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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Part One: The Basics of Human Design
Chapter 1: Navigating Your Chart
Setting the Stage
Navigating Your Chart
The Body Graph
The Birth Chart
The Keynotes
Part Two: Types, Centers, and Profiles
Chapter 2: The Five Personality Types
The Manifestor
The Generator
The Manifesting Generator
The Projector
The Reflector
Chapter 3: The Nine Centers
The First Center: The Head
The Second Center: The Ajna
The Third Center: The Throat
The Fourth Center: The Identity
The Fifth Center: The Will
The Sixth Center: The Emotional Solar Plexus
The Seventh Center: The Root
The Eighth Center: The Spleen
The Ninth Center: The Sacral
Chapter 4: The Lines and Profiles
Understanding the Six Lines
The Lower Trigram: Intrapersonal Energy
The Upper Trigram: Transpersonal Energy
The Twelve Profiles
Part Three: Gates, Circuits, and Channels
Chapter 5: The Gates
Gate 1: Self-Expression
Gate 2: Keeper of Keys
Gate 3: Ordering
Gate 4: Answers
Gate 5: Patterns
Gate 6: Friction
Gate 7: Self in Interaction
Gate 8: Contribution
Gate 9: Focus
Gate 10: Love of Self
Gate 11: Ideas
Gate 12: Caution
Gate 13: The Listener
Gate 14: Power Skills
Gate 15: Extremes
Gate 16: Skills
Gate 17: Opinions
Gate 18: Correction
Gate 19: Wanting
Gate 20: Metamorphosis
Gate 21: The Treasurer
Gate 22: Openness
Gate 23: Assimilation
Gate 24: Rationalization
Gate 25: Love of Spirit
Gate 26: The Trickster
Gate 27: Responsibility
Gate 28: Struggle
Gate 29: Perseverance
Gate 30: Desire
Gate 31: Democracy
Gate 32: Continuity
Gate 33: Privacy
Gate 34: Power
Gate 35: Change
Gate 36: Crisis
Gate 37: Friendship
Gate 38: The Fighter
Gate 39: Provocation
Gate 40: Loneliness
Gate 41: Fantasy
Gate 42: Finishing Things
Gate 43: Insight
Gate 44: Energy
Gate 45: The King or Queen
Gate 46: Love of Body
Gate 47: Realization
Gate 48: Depth
Gate 49: Principles
Gate 50: Values
Gate 51: Shock
Gate 52: Stillness
Gate 53: Starting Things
Gate 54: Drive
Gate 55: Spirit
Gate 56: The Storyteller
Gate 57: Intuition
Gate 58: Joy
Gate 59: Sexuality
Gate 60: Acceptance
Gate 61: Mystery
Gate 62: Details
Gate 63: Doubt
Gate 64: Confusion
Chapter 6: The Major Circuits
The Individual Circuit
The Tribal Circuit
The Collective Circuit
Chapter 7: The Individual Subcircuits
The Integration Circuit
The Centering Circuit
The Knowing Circuit
Chapter 8: The Tribal Subcircuits
The Defense Circuit
The Ego Circuit
Chapter 9: The Collective Subcircuits
The Logic Circuit
The Sensing Circuit
Channel 35/36: Transitoriness
Part Four: Putting It All Together
Chapter 10: The Sum of Your Parts
A Sneak Peak into the Future
About the Author
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