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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Chapter 1 Key concepts
Introducing Contoso Ltd
Virtualized network components
Logical network
IP and MAC address pools
Uplink port profiles
Network adapter port profiles
Port classifications
Logical switches
Virtual machine networks
Deploying the solution
Chapter 2 Logical networks
Reviewing key concepts
Getting started with logical networks
Logical network design
Introducing the Contoso network
Step 1: Mirror physical networks
Step 2: Networks with different purposes
Step 3: Determine isolation requirements
Step 4: Define network sites
Step 5: Deployment
Naming conventions
Chapter 3 Port profiles
Uplink port profiles
What is defined in an uplink port profile?
How are uplink port profiles used?
How many uplink port profiles do you need?
Naming conventions
Network adapter port profiles
What is defined in a network adapter port profile?
How are network adapter port profiles used?
How many network adapter port profiles do you need?
Naming conventions
Chapter 4 Logical switches
Logical switches
What is a logical switch?
Logical switches versus virtual switches
Logical switches versus VMware distributed switches
Planning your logical switch design
Upgrading from Hyper-V Server 2008
Quality of Service (QoS)
Virtual network interface cards (vNICs)
Network adapter teaming
Virtual high bandwidth adapters (HBAs)
How many logical switches do you need?
Enhancing logical switch capabilities
VMM unavailability
Chapter 5 Deployment
Preparing for deployment
Deploying logical switches
Untagged host management network adapter
Tagged host management network adapter
Bare-metal deployment
Migrating from a standard switch to a logical switch
Known deployment issues
Limitations for an existing NIC team
Deployment fails if host is out-of-scope
Deployment fails when using different network adapter types
Chapter 6 Operations
Operational scenarios
Logical switches
Logical networks
VM networks
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