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Title Page
The Present of Volunteer Resource Management
Volunteer Management Handbook
Annotated Volunteer Resource Management Model
Part I: Volunteer Resource Program Assessment, Analysis, and Planning
Chapter 1: Volunteer Models and Management
Volunteers and Their Essential Management
Review of Major Volunteer Resource Management Models
Empirically Based Model of Volunteer Resource Management: PEP Model of Volunteer Administration
Conclusion: Volunteer Resource Management Today and in the Future
Chapter 2: Volunteer Demographics
Volunteer Demographics: Considering Both the Forest and the Trees
Snapshot of Selected Volunteer Demographics in the United States
Volunteerism Across the Life Span: Understanding “Seasons of Service” in Human Development
Volunteerism and Generational Cohorts
Summary: Considering the Big Picture
Chapter 3: Preparing the Organization for Volunteers
Setting Reasonable Expectations for Volunteers: Weighing the Benefits and Costs of Volunteer Participation
Establishing the Rationale and Goals for the Volunteer Program: Making Volunteer Involvement Matter
Involving Paid Staff in Designing the Volunteer Program: Smoothing the Way toward Effectiveness
Housing the Volunteer Program: Integrating Volunteer Participation into the Organization
Creating Positions of Program Leadership: Providing Responsibility and Direction for the Volunteer Effort
Developing Job Descriptions for Volunteer Positions: Sharing the Workplace
Designing Systems and Supports to Facilitate Citizen Participation and Program Management: Preparing for Volunteer Involvement
digital A: Volunteer Management of Governance Volunteers
Role in the Nonprofit Organization
Governance Roles
Chapter 4: Shaping an Organizational Culture of Employee and Volunteer Commitment
Organizational Culture: What It Is and Why It Matters
Measuring Culture: A Four-Dimensional Model and Analysis Tool
Monitoring Organizational Culture: A Leadership Responsibility
Implications for Volunteer Resource Managers
digital B: Understanding the Changing Organization as a Primary Context for Volunteering
A Time of Organizational Change
Understanding the Industrial Era Organization
Moving to the Postindustrial Era Organization
Implications for Volunteer Resource Managers
digital C: Organizational and Programmatic Benefits from Adversity: Comprehending the Centrality of the Role of Adverse Experiences in and on the NPO and Its Programs
Organizational Genesis: Why Start a Not-for-Profit?
Power of Connection and Relationship
Adverse Experiences: The Invisible Epidemic
Impact of Adverse Experiences on Organizational Process
Developing an Experience-Informed Culture
Creating the Experience-Informed Culture
Volunteer Program Cycle: Programmatic Considerations to Minimize the Impact of Adverse Experiences on Volunteers and Staff
Experience-Informed Programming
Chapter 5: Maximizing Volunteer Engagement
Understanding Volunteer Motivations and Trends
The Volunteer Involvement Framework
Developing a Vision for Volunteer Engagement
Managing the Volunteer Investment
Minimizing Challenges, Embracing Opportunities
Worksheet: Assessing Current Patterns of Volunteer Engagement
Chapter 6: Assessment, Planning, and Staffing Analysis
Major Organizational Benefits and Challenges of Having a Volunteer Program
Trends in Volunteering and Impact on Volunteer Program Planning and Management
Organizational Assessment: Establishing a Volunteer Program
Identifying Volunteer Roles: Understanding Strategic Job Analysis
Using Strategic Job Analysis to Remain Competitive
Competency Modeling as a Tool for Success
Job Analysis Evaluation
Relating Job Analysis and Competencies to Organization's Strategic Goals
Comparing Volunteer Role Descriptions and Role Specifications
Bringing It All Together: Creating the Job Description
Chapter 7: Policy Development for Volunteer Involvement
What Are Policies?
Why Write Policies?
Where Policies Are Needed
Policy Development Process
How to Write Policies for Volunteer Programs
Getting Started—Introducing the Policy
digital D: Options for Volunteer Involvement
Market for Volunteers
Social, Economic, and Cultural Trends Driving the Options for Volunteer Involvement
Types of Volunteer Involvement
From Volunteer Management to Professional Volunteer Management
digital E: Managing Voluntourism
Defining Voluntourism
History and Trends in Voluntourism
Who are Voluntourists and Why do They Voluntour?
The Voluntourism Partnerships
Voluntourism Operators and Tourism Industry Linkages
Marketing and Recruiting Voluntourists
Voluntourism Operator Responsibilities
Voluntourism Project Host Responsibilities
Voluntourist Responsibilities
Issues and Future Direction
Part II: Strategic Deployment and Implementation
Chapter 8: The Latest Approach to Volunteer Recruitment: Competency-Competence Pathways and Volunteer Resource Management Systems
Challenges with Volunteer Recruitment Today
Volunteer Resources Management System
Competency and Competence
Recruiting Volunteers Using Competencies
Implications for Using a VCMS
digital F: Marketing Volunteerism for Specialized Cohorts
What do Volunteers Want?
Getting Ready for Specialized Volunteer Programs
Target Marketing for Corporations
Targeting Baby Boomers
Targeting Students
Chapter 9: Orientation: Welcoming New Volunteers into the Organization
Defining Orientation
When Does Orientation Begin?
Why Bother with Orientation?
Components to Cover in Orientation
Formats for Delivery
All on Day 1?
Episodic Volunteers Need Orientation Too
When Orientation Becomes Training
Chapter 10: Training Volunteers
Learning Styles
Generational Issues
Nuts and Bolts of Training
Chapter 11: Volunteer and Staff Relations
Defining the Volunteers and Staff Team
Characteristics of the Effective Volunteer-Staff Team
Managing Different Types of Volunteer-Staff Teams
Recognizing the Symptoms of Poor Volunteer-Staff Relationships
Why Assess Volunteer-Staff Relationships?
Causes of Poor Volunteer-Staff Relationships
Sequential Process to Build the Volunteer-Staff Team
Tips to Enhance Volunteer-Staff Relations
Chapter 12: Communicating with Volunteers and Staff
Communication Process
Communication Model Applied to Internal Audiences
Communications Campaigns
Potential Pitfalls of Internal Communication
digital G: Social Media and Volunteer Programs
Social Media: Definitions and Usage
Types of Social Media
Planning to Use Social Media: The Good, Bad, and Scary
Manager of Volunteer Functions and Social Media
Chapter 13: Volunteer Performance Management: The Impact Wheel
Linking Performance Management, Volunteer Resources, and Competency
Managing Performance Tools and Techniques
Impact Wheel Overview
Introducing the Impact Wheel for Volunteer Resources Performance Management
Using the Impact Wheel
Summary Tools
digital H: Effective Leadership and Decision-Making
Leadership and Management
Models of Volunteer Leadership
Leadership and Management
Community Development
Integrating Leadership Theory into a Volunteer Program
Putting Theory into Practice
Chapter 14: Risk Management in Volunteer Involvement
Context for Risk Management
Risk Management and Liability
Risk Management
Use a Risk Management Model
Steps of Risk Management
Supporting the Risk Management Process
digital I: Information System Tools for Volunteer Management
Tools to Support the Engagement of Volunteers
Tools to Support the Training of Volunteers
Tools to Support the Retention of Volunteers
Tools Which Can be Used in Support of Communications
Tools for Evaluating and Reporting
Challenges to Using Information Systems
Establishing Foundations for Information Systems
digital J: Executive and Managerial Coaching in Nonprofits: Critical Leadership Development
Defining Managerial Coaching
Other Forms of Leadership Development
When External Coaching Can be Useful
Coaching Competencies
Selection of a Managerial/Coached Coach
Limits and Boundaries of Coaching
The Experience of Being Coached
Part III: Results and Evaluation
Chapter 15: Evaluating the Volunteer Program: Contexts and Models
Defining Evaluation
Role of Stakeholders in Evaluation
Purposes of Evaluation
Purpose-Based Evaluation Framework for Valuing Volunteers
Valuing Volunteering for Organizations, Volunteers, and Clients
Value of Volunteering to the Volunteers
Logic Models
Chapter 16: Evaluating Impact of Volunteer Programs
Evaluation in Volunteer Programs
A Symbiotic Relationship: Evaluation, Impact, and Accountability
Four Fundamental Questions in Any Volunteer Program Impact Evaluation
Part IV: Applied Management Practice
digital K: Mission Fulfillment (Even During Challenging Times)
Product Comparisons
Mission Fulfillment Best Practices Based on Behavioral Science
Cutting Edge Mission Activation-Boosting Practices and Tools: An Example
digital L: Ethics: Professional Ethics for Volunteers
Strategic Human Resources Management
Professional Volunteer Administration and Management
Ethical Standards for Human Resources Management
Professional Ethics in Volunteer Management
Assumptions of Codes of Ethics
digital M: Professionalism and Credentialing in the Field of Volunteer Management
Making the Case for Professionalizing the Field of Volunteer Management
History, Background, and Literature Review
Framework for Professionalism in Volunteer Management
A Competency-Based Framework for Advancing the Profession of Volunteer Management
Credentialing and Certification
digital N: Advocacy in Volunteer Management
Historical Context and Definitions
Traditions of Volunteerism
Lead Through Service Learning and Community Service
Find Your Individual Voice
Engage in Personal Empowerment
Advocate for Your Program
Advocate for Your Place at the Table
Advocate for a Peer Network
Advocate for Your Organization
Promote the Organization/Agency in the Public Arena
Conduct an Advocacy Campaign
Advocate Within the Law
digital O: National, State, and Local Community Programs for Volunteer Resource Managers
Social Media as a Resource for Recruiting and Managing Volunteers
National Resource Programs for Volunteer Managers
State and Regional Resource Programs for Volunteer Managers
Local/Community Resource Programs for Volunteer Managers
digital P: Volunteer Management: Hospice Organizations
Organizational Environment
Recruiting Hospice Volunteers
Screening/Interviewing Potential Hospice Volunteers
Orientation/Training for Hospice Volunteers
Placing Hospice Volunteers in Appropriate Assignments
Supervising and Evaluating Hospice Volunteers
Risk Management in Hospice Volunteer Programs
Hospice Volunteer Recognition and Retention
Stressors for Hospice Volunteer Managers
digital Q: Volunteer Resource Management in Local Development Organizations: An International Perspective (Portugal)
Organizational Culture and Programs
Volunteer Resource Management and Planning for Local Development
Volunteer Role or Job Analysis
Identification of Potential Volunteers
Recruitment and Selection
Volunteer Supervision, Orientation, and Integration in the Organization
Logistical Support and Training
Volunteer Recognition and Rewards
Performance Appraisal and Feedback
Evaluation of Volunteer Resource Management and Planning
Organizational Development
An Organizational Tool for Community Involvement
digital R: International Volunteer Management
Meaning of Volunteerism: International Perspectives
Turning Points
A Movement: International Volunteer Programs
Volunteerism Around the World
Civic Service
Structures: A Comparison of International Volunteer Resource Management
Recruitment, Selection, and Training
Established Volunteer Competencies—Volunteer Resource Management Systems
Legislation Affecting Volunteer Resource Management
Partnerships: Local with International
International Youth Volunteers
Benefits and Impacts of International Volunteerism
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