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My Soul Contract Reading
Inspired to share and teach
The Spiritual Map of my life
Would someone just tell me what is going on with my life!
The Spiritual Map of your life
How you created your life the way it is
How to start creating a more fulfilling life
How to use this book
Your Soul Contract creates your reality in each moment
Chapter 1: How you create your life
Sound is creative
An experiment in consciousness
The dimensions we exist in
How you actually create your reality
The Law of Opposites
Your karma is your greatest gift
Your ego is attached to suffering
Why you are reading this book
The Soul Contract decoding process
Chapter 2: Decoding your birth certificate name, the Spiritual Map of your life
Ancient Hebrew emerges from the movement and sound of God
The layered interpretation approach
The Tree of Life
The Mother Letters of Creation
The Double Letters
The Simple Letters
Number categories
Chapter 3: Methodology for creating and generating numbers
Generating a chart: the Star of David
Writing out the birth name phonetically
Checking for combination letters
Allocating the Hebrew numbers to the letters
Assigning the Hebrew numbers on the Star of David
Minimum number of phonetic sounds required
Calculating the six aspects of the Star of David
Calculating the Soul Destiny
Calculating the three aspects for a short name with less than ten phonetic Hebrew sounds
Brief interpretation of a name with ten or more phonetic sounds
Case study 1: Michael William Sampson
Brief interpretation of a short name with less than ten phonetic sounds
Case study 2: Bart Alan
Symbols associated with each of the 22 Hebrew numbers
Channelled Soul Contract Symbols
Chapter 4: Understanding the numbers: generic top-layer interpretations
The aspects of your Soul Contract
An open system of interpretation
Letting go of the judgement of your karma
Focusing on the essence of each number
Top-level interpretations 1-22
Chapter 5: Double Letters
The Gateways
The Directions
Chapter 6: Simple Letters
The Organs
Chapter 7: Double numbers: 1–1 to 9–9 – aspect-specific meaning
Deeper layers of meaning
A specific range of frequencies to experience
Chapter 8: Combination numbers 10–1 to 22–4 – aspect-specific meaning
A wider range of frequencies to experience
Chapter 9: The Word
Transmissions from God
Chapter 10: Recommendations
How to make your life happen
Recommendations 1-1 to 22-4
Living in the right place
The essence of the numbers
Chapter 11: Decoding the interpretations of your Soul Contract
Interpretation methodology
Writing out your Soul Contract
Case studies
Case study chart summary for finding your numbers
Case study 3: Stephanie Margaret Megan Taylor
Case study 4: Maxine Charlotte Ethelle Sampson
Case study 5: Jeri Michelle Taylor
Case study 6: Mark Anthony Rubin
Case study 7: Naomi Jemma Kelliher
Case study 8: John William Taylor
Case study 9: John Arnold Ford
Now you know how life works
Family, personal, parenting and business relationships
Chapter 12: The next steps
Creating a more fulfilling life for yourself
Embracing your life to consciously heal yourself
You are important in the global scheme of things
Manifesting your divine purpose
Creating Heaven on Earth in your life
How you are changing our Earthly reality
In conclusion
Appendix A: Non-written English and non-English phonetics
Appendix B: More advanced applications
Appendix C: Soul Contract Readings and consultations
Appendix D: Workshops and practitioner training
Appendix E: Tools for awakening
Appendix F: Web portal for readers
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