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Imperial Library
Welcome and Congrats!
part 1: taking a rest, taking a breath
chapter 1: Practice:
chapter 2: Reflection:
chapter 3: Activity:
chapter 4: Basic Concept:
chapter 5: Basic Concept:
chapter 6: Activity:
chapter 7: Practice:
chapter 8: Practice:
chapter 9: Practice:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 2: beginning again
chapter 10: Activity:
chapter 11: Practice:
chapter 12: Reflection:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 3: thought watching and unkind mind
chapter 13: Practice:
chapter 14: Reflection:
chapter 15: Basic Concept:
chapter 16: Activity:
chapter 17: Activity:
chapter 18: Activity:
chapter 19: Basic Concept:
chapter 20: Activity:
chapter 21: Activity:
chapter 22: Basic Concept:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 4: feelings and unpleasant events
chapter 23: Activity:
chapter 24: Practice:
chapter 25: Reflection:
chapter 26: Basic Concept:
chapter 27: Activity:
chapter 28: Activity:
chapter 29: Activity:
chapter 30: Basic Concept:
chapter 31: Basic Concept:
chapter 32: Activity:
chapter 33: Basic Concept:
chapter 34: Activity:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 5: emotions, responding vs. reacting
chapter 35: Activity:
chapter 36: Basic Concept:
chapter 37: Activity:
chapter 38: Activity:
chapter 39: Basic Concept:
chapter 40: Practice:
chapter 41: Activity:
chapter 42: Basic Concept:
chapter 43: Activity:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 6: responding and communicating
chapter 44: Basic Concept:
chapter 45: Basic Concept:
chapter 46: Practice:
chapter 47: Reflection:: chapter 48: Activity:
chapter 49: Practice:
chapter 50: Practice:
chapter 51: Basic Concept:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 7: choice and kindness
chapter 52: Basic Concept:
chapter 53: Activity:
chapter 54: Activity:
chapter 55: Activity:
chapter 56: Activity:
chapter 57: Basic Concept:
chapter 58: Practice:
chapter 59: Practice:
chapter 60: Reflection:
giving yourself the gift of mindfulness
part 8: the end of the out-breath
chapter 61: Activity:
chapter 62: Activity:
chapter 63: Practice:
chapter 64: Practice:
chapter 65: Activity:
continuing to give yourself the gift of mindfulness
Congrats Again!
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