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Imperial Library
List of figures
List of object studies figures
Section I Definitions, disciplines, new directions
1 Global things: Europe’s early modern material transformation
2 Cognitive history and material culture
Section II Contexts and categories
3 Maps and material culture
4 The royal court
5 The material culture of early modern churches
6 Public buildings in early modern Europe
7 Domestic buildings: Understanding houses and society
8 Materiality and the streetlife of the early modern city
9 Materiality, nature and the body
10 Mortuary culture
11 Clothing
12 Getting down from the table: Early modern foodways and material culture
13 Arms and armour
14 Material texts
Section III Object studies
Object study 1: The Panyer Alley Boy
Object study 2: Abraham Ortelius his epitome of the theater of the worlde
Object study 3: ‘The Persian Sibyl’ banqueting trencher
Object study 4: A ‘witch-bottle’
Object study 5: Maiolica drug jar
Object study 6: A shoehorn
Object study 7: A maiolica plate
Object study 8: ‘Concealed’ leather shoes
Object study 9: Manuscript directions for weaving braids
Object study 10: The Balsambüchse – a portable seventeenth-century medicine cabinet
Object study 11: The Maidstone helmet
Object study 12: A Dutch carved cupboard
Object study 13: An embroidered mirror
Section IV Material culture in action
15 The material culture of lineage in late Tudor and early Stuart England
16 The malleable moment in English portraiture, c.1540–1640
17 Is this a man I see before me?: Early modern masculinities and the new materialisms
18 In praise of clean linen: Laundering humours on the early modern English stage
19 Early modern religious objects and materialities of belief
20 The material culture of piety in the Italian Renaissance: Re-touching the rosary
21 Early modern spaces and olfactory traces
22 Musical sound and material culture
23 Lasting impressions of the common woodcut
24 Baroque sculpture: Materiality and the question of movement
25 Rights of privacy in early modern English households
26 Antwerp and the ‘material Renaissance’: Exploring the social and economic significance of crystal glass and majolica in the sixteenth century
27 I say ‘shard’, you say ‘sherd’: Contrasting and complementary approaches to a piece of early modern ‘Venice glass’
Notes on contributors
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