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Half title page
Title page
Copyright page
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
Law Fosters Strategic Expectations
Self-Enforcing Institutions and International Law
Institutions and Norms in International Relations Theory and International Law
The Game-Theoretic Critique of Realism and Constructivism
Realism, Idealism, and International Law
Law as an Institutional Equilibrium
The Essential Social Nature of Game Theory
The Plan of the Book
2 Common Conjectures, Norms, and Identities
Strategic Expectations and Common Conjectures
Social Facts: Norms, Identities, and Justifications
Common Conjectures in Iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma
Elaborations of Iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma
Reciprocity, Common Conjectures, and Norms
Identities and Common Conjectures
Communication and Common Conjectures
Identities and Interests versus Preferences
Common Conjectures and Law
3 The Laws of War in Their Strategic Context
The Laws of War
Problems Facing the Laws of War at the State Level
Deliberation Violation as State Policy
Opportunistic Defection
Self-Interested Interpretation of the Rules
Problems Facing the Laws of War at the Individual Level: Agency and Noise
Violations by Individuals
Inadvertent Violations
Three Strategic Problems Facing an Effective System of Law of War
On the Battlefield
Military Discipline
State-to-State Compliance
Fusing the Models into One
Screening through Ratification
Elements of the Laws of War Not in the Model: Drawing “Bright Lines”
Issues in the Laws of War from the Perspective of the Model
Summary of Testable Hypotheses from the Model
3′ Modeling Minutia
The Three Models
On the Battlefield
Military Discipline
State-to-State Deterrence
Violations and Compliance across the Three Models
Screening through Ratification
4 Patterns of Compliance with the Laws of War during the Twentieth Century
Factors that Might Affect Compliance and Reciprocity
Legal Obligation
Regime Type
Different Issues
Relative Power
A Brief Description of the Data
The Correlation of Compliance
Ratification Status and Regime Type
State versus Individual Violations
Legal Clarity
Differences across Issues
Other Variables
Comparisons across Variables
Explaining the Patterns
Analysis of Outlying and Discordant Cases
Searching for Firewalls
Timing of First Violations
Cases of First Use Late in a War
Cases of Early First Use
4′ Statistical Gore
The Data Collection
Clarifications of What Acts Are Violations
Coding Decisions for Specific Issue Areas
Measuring Compliance
Measures of Independent Variables
Treaty Status of Both States in Question
Power Relationship
Other Independent Variables
Estimation Issues
When Do States Comply?
Declaration of War
The Main Analyses
Multivariate Analysis of Reciprocity and Total Compliance
Searching for Firewalls with Numbers
Duration Analysis of First Violations
Dry Holes
5 Spoilt Darlings? Treatment of Prisoners of War during the World Wars
The POW Treaties and the Obligations They Impose
The Strategic Logic of Prisoners of War
The Logic of the Battlefield
After Capture and before Imprisonment
Treatment while a Prisoner
POWs in World War I
Death Rates and Treatment in POW Camps
On the Battlefield
POWs in World War II
Death Rates in Camps
The War between Germany and the Western Allies
At the State Level and in the Camps
On the Battlefield
The Eastern Front
Between Totalitarian Governments
In the Camps
On the Battlefield
The War in the Pacific: No Game of Cricket
Between the Warring Parties
On the Battlefield
After the Shooting Stopped
An Alternative Explanation: Culture
Testing the Conclusions of the Model with the Cases
6 Assessing Variation across Issues: Aerial Bombing, Chemical Weapons, Treatment of Civilians, and Conduct on the High Seas
Chemical Weapons
Aerial Bombing
Conduct on the High Seas
Treatment of Civilians
Other Explanations
7 Dynamics of Common Conjectures: The Rational Evolution of Norms
The Sources and Ways of Change in Norms According to Constructivists
The Sources of Common Conjectures
What Is Evolutionary Game Theory?
The Dynamics of Conventions
Rational Evolution of Political Institutions
The Evolution of How Prisoners of War Should Be Treated
8 Conclusion: Current Issues and Policy Insights
Does the Present Look Like the Past?
Challenges for the Laws of War in the Twenty-First Century
Terrorism and the Control of Violence: The Criminal Model versus the Combat Model
The Criminal Model
The Combat Model
Terrorism: The Gray Space between Criminality and Combat
The Perils of Universalism and Unilateralism
The Limits of International Law
Power and Legitimacy
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