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Imperial Library
The First Century
Christ and the Apostles
The Church
The Second Century
The Persecutions
The Apostolic Fathers
The Apologists
Protecting the Church from Falsehood and Heresy
The Quartodeciman Controversy
Church Order and Liturgy
The Third Century
The Lapsed
Development of Theology
Liturgical Development
The Fourth Century
The Donatist Schism
The First Ecumenical Council
St Athanasius and his defense of Nicea
New Heresies
The Second Ecumenical Council
Liturgical Development
St John Chrysostom
The Fifth Century
Inner Struggles
Third Ecumenical Council
The Robber Council
The Fourth Ecumenical Council
The Monophysites
The Henotikon
Canons of the Councils
The West
st augustine
st john cassian
pope st leo the great
The Sixth Century
Emperor Justinian I and the Non-Chalcedonians
The Fifth Ecumenical Council
The Oriental Orthodox Churches
Emperor Justinian I and Reform
Liturgical Development
Five Patriarchates
The West
st gregory the great
st benedict of nursia and his monastic rule
Other Leading Saints
The Filioque
The Seventh Century
St Maximus the Confessor and St Martin of Rome
The Sixth Ecumenical Council
The Council of Trullo or the Quinisext Council
Theological Writings
Liturgical Development
Relations with Rome
The Rise of Islam
The Eighth Century
emperor leo iii the isaurian
emperor constantine v copronymos
the seventh ecumenical council
Liturgical Development
The West
the carolingian renaissance
The Ninth Century
The End of Iconoclasm
Sts Cyril and Methodius—“Evangelizers of the Slavs and Equal to the Apostles”
The Papacy
St Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople
Liturgical Developments
New Law Code
The West
The Tenth Century
Cultural Renaissance
Church and State
St Vladimir of Kiev
Liturgical Development
The West
The Eleventh Century
The Great Schism
Pope Gregory VII
The First Crusade
Kievan Russia
sts boris and gleb
yaroslav the wise and st anna of novgorod
Other Developments East and West
The Twelfth Century
Major Trends
Kievan Russia
The West
The Thrirteenth Century
The Fourth Crusade
The Second Council of Lyons
Serbia and Bulgaria
The West
The Fourteenth Century
St Gregory Palamas
essence and energies
John Cantakuzenos
Emperor John V Paleologos and Rome
the rise of moscow
st sergius of radonezh
st stephen of perm
st andrei rublev
The Serbs
The Bulgarians
Liturgical Developments
The West
The Fifteenth Century
The Great Schism in the Papacy, and the Conciliar Movement
the council of florence
The Fall of Byzantium
The Establishment of the Rum Milet
the rise of the muscovite state
the rise of the possessors and the non-possessors
Other Developments in the West
The Sixteenth Century
the victory of the possessors
ivan the terrible
tsar theodore
The Union of Brest-Litovsk
The West
the protestant reformation
the catholic counter-reformation
Patriarch Jeremias II and the Dialogue with the Lutherans
The Greek Orthodox under the Ottoman Turks
The Seventeenth Century
the time of troubles
tsar michael romanov and patriarch philaret (romanov)
the nikonian reforms
the council of 1666–1667
the old believer schism
russian saints in the 17th century
The Unia
St Peter Mogila
Cyril Lukaris
The Greek Church under the Turks
The West
The Eighteenth Century
The Greek Church
st cosmas aitolos
st makarios of corinth
st nikodemos of the holy mountain
two other important saints of greece
the holy governing synod
st xenia of st petersburg
st tikhon of zadonsk
st paisy velichkovsky
metropolitan platon of moscow
Mission to Alaska
The West
The Nineteenth Century
Russia: Spiritual Renewal
the elders of optina
st seraphim of sarov
other leading figures
Russia: Missionary Activity
The Spread of Orthodoxy in the Lower 48 States in America
conversion of the uniates
the serbs
the syrians
the greeks
Eastern Europe and Greece
Western Europe and America
the second great awakening
rise of the social gospel
responses to the social gospel
Roman Catholicism
Relations between the Churches East and West
The Twentieth Century
Orthodoxy in America, Part One: From the Russian Mission to the OCA
archbishop tikhon
st tikhon’s overarching plan
the russian-american archdiocese after the bolshevik revolution
the american metropolia
pressure from moscow
american destiny
development of the metropolia
metropolitan ireney
american autocephaly
canonization of st herman
aftermath of the autocephaly
continuing development of the oca
Orthodoxy in America, Part Two: Other Orthodox Jurisdictions
the greek orthodox in america
the serbian orthodox in america
the romanian orthodox in america
the syrian orthodox in america
the ukrainian orthodox in america
the carpatho-russian orthodox in america
the albanian orthodox in america
the bulgarian orthodox in america
the american orthodox catholic church
further efforts at orthodox unity in america
the “ligonier” meeting
The Orthodox Church in Russia
1900 to 1917
the council of moscow, 1917–1918
patriarch tikhon (r. 1917–1925)
the living church
russian emigration to western europe
the era of most severe persecution
relative freedom during the second world war
the return of persecution
churchmen appeal to the soviet authorities
pasternak and solzhenitsyn
patriarch pimen
glasnost, and freedom to rebuild
patriarch alexei ii
patriarch kirill
japanese autonomy
The Church in Greece
The Ecumenical Patriarchate
Patriarch Athenagoras
the proposed great council
various troubles
patriarch bartholomew
Other Orthodox Churches
syria and lebanon
the czech republic and slovakia
western europe
Ecumenical Movement
beginnings in the early 20th century
the world council of churches
Protestant Fundamentalism and Protestant Liberalism
Protestant Neo-Evangelicalism
Major denominational mergers among Protestants
The Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement
The Roman Catholic Church
vatican ii council
pope john paul ii
pope benedict xvi
pope francis
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