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Imperial Library
1. Problems Formulation
2. Investigation Methods of Performance Characteristics for Double-Fed Machines with Converter in Rotor Circuit. Summary of Main Investigation Stages of A.C. Machines
3. Stator MMF Harmonics at Non-sinusoidal Machine Power Supply (for M ≥ 1, Q ≥ 1)
4. Peculiarities of Currents Investigation in Magnetically Coupled Circuits for A.C. Machines with Short-Circuited Rotor Windings
5. Representation of Currents in Rotor Short-Circuited Winding Elements in the Form of Generalized Characteristics
6. Passive Quadripoles; Recurrent Circuits of Various Structure: Investigation of Their Peculiarities for Modeling Process of Currents Distribution in Short-Circuited Rotor Windings
7. Active Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Chain Circuits: Investigation of Their Peculiarities for Modeling Process of Currents Distribution in Short-Circuited Rotor Windings
8. EMF Induced by Resulting Field in Short-Circuited Loops of Damper Winding and Squirrel Cage
9. Investigation Methods of Currents Distribution in Regular Damper Windings and Squirrel Cages
10. Investigation Methods of Currents Distribution in Squirrel Cages with Asymmetry
11. Investigation Methods of Currents Distribution in Irregular Damper Windings
12. MMF of Damper Winding, Squirrel Cage (at Asymmetry in Them or at Its Absence) and Excitation Winding. Representation of MMF in the Form of Harmonic Series in Complex Plane
13. Field Harmonics in Air Gap of A.C. Machine in Nonlinear Network
14. System of Equations for Magnetically Coupled Loops for A.C. Machine in Nonlinear Network
15. Peculiarities of Operation Modes of A.C. Machine with Short-Circuited Rotor Windings at Nonsinusoidal Power Supply
16. Operation Problems of High-Power AC Machines in Nonlinear Network
17. Frequency-Controlled Induction Motors in Nonlinear Networks: Assessment Criteria of Higher Harmonics Influence—Method of Criteria Calculation
18. Method of Minimizing Losses in High-Power Low-Speed Frequency-Controlled Motors in Operation Modes at Nonlinear Dependence of Shaft Torque on Rotation Speed
19. Methods of Decreasing Nonlinear Distortion Factor in Voltage Curve of Salient-Pole Generator: Investigation of EMF Tooth Harmonics of Its Multiphase Winding with q per Pole and Phase as Integer
20. Methods of Decreasing Nonlinear Distortion Factor in Voltage Curve of Double-Fed Machines: Investigation of EMF Tooth Harmonics of Its Multiphase Stator and Rotor Windings with q Per Pole and Phase as Integer
21. Method of Determination Stator Winding MMF at Arbitrary Phase Current Waveform and Unequal Width of Phase Zones (for Investigation of Operational Characteristics of Frequency: Controlled Motors)
22. Investigation Method of Transient Modes in Induction Machines with Rotor Cage Asymmetry
23. Theory and Methods of Investigation of Eddy Currents and Additional Losses in Stator Windings
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