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Title Page
Note on the Translation
Introduction: Against “Ethical Abstinence”
I. An Ensemble of Practices: Forms of Life as Social Formations
1. What Is a Form of Life?
1.1. Form of Life: Concept and Phenomenon
1.2. Duration, Depth, Scope
1.3. A Modular Concept of Forms of Life
2. Forms of Life as Inert Ensembles of Practices
2.1. What Are (Social) Practices?
2.2. The Interconnected Character of Practices
2.3. The Moment of Inertia
2.4. Practice, Criticism, Reflection
II. Solutions to Problems: Forms of Life as Normatively Constituted Formations
3. The Normativity of Forms of Life
3.1. Norms and Normativity
3.2. Modes of Normativity
3.3. Three Types of Norm Justification
3.4. Lack of Correspondence with Its Concept
4. Forms of Life as Problem-Solving Entities
4.1. What Are Problems?
4.2. Given or Made? The Problem with Problems
4.3. Attempts at Problem-Solving: Hegel’s Theory of the Family
4.4. Crises of Problem-Solving
4.5. Second Order Problems
III. Forms of Criticism
5. What Is Internal Criticism?
5.1. External and Internal Criticism
5.2. The Strategy of Internal Criticism
5.3. Advantages and Limits of Internal Criticism
6. “To Find the New World through Criticism of the Old One”: Immanent Criticism
6.1. Criticism of a New Type
6.2. The Strategy of Immanent Criticism
6.3. Potentials and Difficulties
IV. The Dynamics of Crisis and the Rationality of Social Change
7. Successful and Failed Learning Processes
7.1. Change, Development, Learning, Progress
7.2. Are Forms of Life Capable of Learning?
7.3. Deficient Learning Processes
7.4. Why Does History Matter?
8. Crisis-Induced Transformations: Dewey, MacIntyre, Hegel
8.1. Social Change as Experimental Problem-Solving
8.2. The Dynamics of Traditions
8.3. History as a Dialectical Learning Process
9. Problem or Contradiction?
9.1. Problems as Indeterminateness
9.2. Crisis as a Break in Continuity
9.3. Crisis as Dialectical Contradiction
9.4. The Problem with Contradiction
10. The Dynamics of Learning Processes
10.1. Problem-Solving as an Experimental Learning Process
10.2. The Dynamics of Traditions
10.3. The Source of Progress and of Degeneration
10.4. A Dialectical-Pragmatist Understanding of Learning Processes
Conclusion: A Critical Theory of Criticism of Forms of Life
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