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Title Page
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Table of Contents
PROLOGUE - A Time of Paradox: America since 1890
PRELUDE - The 1890s: Bridge to the Twentieth Century
PART I - An Era of Awakening, 1900–1919
Time Line
An Era of Awakening, 1900–1919
CHAPTER ONE - TR, Taft, and the Progressive Impulse
Theodore Roosevelt
The Spirit of Reform
Invigorating the Presidency
Raking the Muck
TR and Taft: From Friends to Foes
“We Stand at Armageddon”
CHAPTER TWO - America Looks Outward, 1900–1912
The Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt and the Panama Canal
America as a Pacific Power
European Diplomacy
Taft’s Foreign Policy
CHAPTER THREE - Nations within: The Experiences of Immigrants, Minorities, and Workers
Reform in the City
Women’s Suffrage and New Possibilities
An Expanding Economy
Growth of Organized Labor
Progress and Problems for African Americans and Native Americans
CHAPTER FOUR - A Culture Awakening, 1900–1919
Reading for the Masses
The Promise of Politics, History, and Philosophy
Realms of Religious Belief
Ash Cans and Architects
Innovations in Music
Stage and Screen
Spectator Sports
CHAPTER FIVE - Wilson, Reform, and the Coming of War
Woodrow Wilson
Domestic Reform under Wilson
Wilson and the World
The Trials of Neutrality
“A Message of Death”
CHAPTER SIX - From World War to Lost Peace
Home Front Management
“Over There”
Intolerance and the Red Scare
The Peace Conference
“Dare We Reject It?”
Bibliographic Essay
The 1890s
Major Political Leaders
Other Political Figures
Racial Issues, Sound Reform, Business, and Labor
Diplomacy and War
PART II - An Era of Trial and Triumph, 1920–1945
Time Line
An Era of Trial and Triumph, 1920–1945
CHAPTER SEVEN - The 1920s: Decade of Fear, Decade of Excess
Intolerance and Discrimination
Prosperity and Poverty
Lindbergh and Ford: Heroes in the Air, on the Road
New Manners and Morals
Religion: Beacon of Hope; Ally of Prejudice
Prohibition in Triumph and Trial
CHAPTER EIGHT - Republicanism from Prosperity to the Great Depression
The 1920 Election
Harding’s Presidency
Scandal and History’s Verdict
“Silent Cal”
The Economy According to Coolidge
Hoover from Triumph to Tragedy
The Stock Market Crash and Onset of the Great Depression
“I Pledge ... A New Deal”
CHAPTER NINE - Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal
A Presidential Temperament
The Hundred Days and the First New Deal
The Second New Deal
Work for the Workers
The Paradox of Minorities: Economic Help, Political Neglect
Opponents of the New Deal
Trial and Triumph for Roosevelt
An Assessment of the New Deal
CHAPTER TEN - Culture: Revolt and Retreat
The 1920s and the 1930s
“The Lost Generation”
The Proletariat as Protagonist
“All That Jazz”
The Radio
Silence to Sound on Screen
Visions of America
Education and the Intellectuals
Refuge in Religion
Sports: Cheering and Playing
CHAPTER ELEVEN - Interwar Diplomacy
Nonintervention and Internationalism
Postwar Payback: Debts and Reparations
Campaigns for World Peace
Japanese Aggression
The “Good Neighbor”
Hitler’s Rise to Power
Outbreak of War
FDR’S Third Term
“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”
CHAPTER TWELVE - World War II: Home Front and Battlefront, 1941–1945
Mobilizing the Economy
Civil Liberties and Racial Tension
The United States at War
D-Day: The Great Invasion
1944: Wartime Election
End of the Third Reich
The War Turns against Japan
The Atomic Age Begins
Bibliographic Essay
General Works
Presidents, Prosperity, and Depression
Diplomacy and War
PART III - An Era of Uncertainty, 1945–1968
Time Line
An Era of Uncertainty, 1945–1968
CHAPTER THIRTEEN - The Fair Deal and the Cold War, 1945–1952
Harry S Truman and the Postwar Economy
The Fair Deal
From World War to Cold War
Containment in Asia, War in Korea
The Cold War at Home
“I Like Ike”
CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Peace and Peril, 1953–1960
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Warren Court and the Judicial Revolution
Peace—And a Tie—In Korea
Dominoes in Vietnam
Uncertainty in the Middle East and Latin America
Anxiety from Above: Satellites, Missiles, and Spy Planes
1960: Running for TV Cameras
CHAPTER FIFTEEN - The Affluent Society
The 1950s and 1960s
The Economy
Suburbia, Migration, and the Baby Boomers
The Sexual Revolution
A Spiritual Barometer
New Entitlements
CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Cultural Dissent
Hollywood: A Star-Crossed City
TV: Home Entertainment in a Box
Rockin’ to New Rhythms
History and Literature after the Guns of World War
On Stage and Canvas
Sports: Winning and Losing
The Rise of the Counterculture
The Rainbow of Power
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - New Frontiers, New Anxieties at Home, 1961–1968
The Frontier of the 1960s
The Economic Frontier
Civil Rights: Progress and Unmet Expectations
The Assassination of JFK
Lyndon Baines Johnson
1964: Lyndon’s Landslide
The Great Society
An Activist Supreme Court
Racial Rights and Wrongs
Assessment of the Great Society
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - Foreign Anxieties, 1961–1968
Kennedy and Castro
Hotspots in Berlin and Indochina
The Cuban Missile Crisis
LBJ: The Benefactor and the Gunslinger
The Little War That Wouldn’t Go Away
Vietnam and the Election of 1968
Bibliographic Essay
Truman And Eisenhower
Society and Culture
The Sixties
PART IV - An Era of Diversity, since 1969
Time Line
An Era of Diversity, 1969–Present
CHAPTER NINETEEN - The Nixon Years, 1969–1974
Richard Nixon
Fighting Inflation and Crime
Global Change: Détente and the Yom Kippur War
Withdrawal from Vietnam
CHAPTER TWENTY - Healing and Malaise: The Ford and Carter Administrations
The Tribulations of Gerald R. Ford
The Fall of Saigon
The Election of 1976
Jimmy Carter
The Economy and Malaise
Interest Groups
Cold Warrior and Peacemaker
Humiliation in Tehran
The 1980 Election
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE - The Reagan Rebellion
Ronald Reagan
The Reagan Enigma
The Battleground of the Budget
“Morning in America”
Reagan and the “Evil Empire”
Other Foreign Challenges
The Iran-Contra Affair
Reagan’s Legacy
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - A Culture of Diversity
The Jaws of Hollywood
The Changing Sound of Music
Picturing and Wiring the World
Writing and Performing in an Electronic Age
The Cost of Sports
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - “Can We All Get Along?”: The Soul of the Nation
Diversity and Change
Booms and Busts
Moving toward the Right
Lessons in Education
Gender and Society
Pluralism and Polarization
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR - From George Bush to George W. Bush
George Bush
Delicate Diplomacy: Warmaking and Peacemaking
From Victory in Iraq to Loss at the Polls
William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton
Economic Laser Beam
A Prosperous Yet Turbulent Second Term
A Dangerous World
Sex, Lies, and Impeachment
POSTLUDE - The Presidency of George W. Bush
Terror from the Sky
The Political War
Foreign Policy in Bush’s Second Term
Bibliographic Essay
Nixon through Reagan
Culture and Society
The Bush and Clinton Presidencies
EPILOGUE - A Time of Paradox
About the Author
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