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Preface to the Second Edition
1 The Study of Social Movements: Recurring Questions, (Partially) Changing Answers
1.1 Four Core Questions for Social Movement Analysis
1.2 What is Distinctive about Social Movements?
1.3 On This Book
2 Social Changes and Social Movements
2.1 Social Structure, Political Cleavages, and Collective Action
2.2 States, Markets, and Social Movements
2.3 Knowledge, Culture, and Conflicts
2.4 Structural Transformations, New Conflicts, New Classes
2.5 Summary
3 The Symbolic Dimension of Collective Action
3.1 Culture and Action: The Role of Values
3.2 Culture and Action: The Cognitive Perspective
3.3 Problems and Responses
3.4 Summary
4 Collective Action and Identity
4.1 How Does Identity Work?
4.2 Multiple Identities
4.3 Does Identity Facilitate Participation?
4.4 How Is Identity Generated and Reproduced?
4.5 Summary
5 Individuals, Networks, and Participation
5.1 Why Do People Get Involved in Collective Action? The Role of Networks
5.2 Do Networks Always Matter?
5.3 Individuals and Organizations
5.4 Individual Participation, Movement Subcultures, and Virtual Networks
5.5 Summary
6 Social Movements and Organizations
6.1 Organizational Dilemmas in Social Movements
6.2 Types of Social Movement Organizations
6.3 How Do Social Movement Organizations Change?
6.4 From Movement Organizations to Social Movement Networks
6.5 Summary
7 Action Forms, Repertoires, and Cycles of Protest
7.1 Protest: A Definition
7.2 Repertoires of Action
7.3 The Logics and Forms of Protest
7.4 Strategic Options and Protest
7.5 Factors Influencing Repertoire Choice
7.6 The Cross-National Diffusion of Protest
7.7 Cycles of Protest, Protest Waves, and Protest Campaigns
7.8 Summary
8 The Policing of Protest and Political Opportunities for Social Movements
8.1 The Policing of Protest
8.2 Political Institutions and Social Movements
8.3 Prevailing Strategies and Social Movements
8.4 Allies, Opponents, and Social Movements
8.5 Discursive Opportunity and the Media System
8.6 Summary
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