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Imperial Library
Half title
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I. Introduction
Section 1. Overview of this Book
How to Use This Book
Plants Treated
Arrangement of the Taxa
Family Descriptions
Sources of Information
Flowering Periods
Relative Abundance and Rare Species Status
Non-Native Species
Wetland Categories
Summary of the Flora
Section 2. The Physical Setting of Kentucky
Natural Regions of Kentucky
Appalachian Plateaus
Interior Low Plateaus
Mississippi Embayment
Section 3. Vegetation of Kentucky
Forest Regions of Kentucky
Mixed Mesophytic Forest Region
Oak-Hickory Forest Region
Southern Floodplain Forest Region
Plant Communities of Kentucky
Aquatic and Open (Nonforested) Wetland Communities
Standing Water Communities
Running Water Communities
Emergent Wetland Communities
Shrub Wetland Communities
Swamp Forests
Floodplain Forests
Upland Forests
Mixed Deciduous Forests
Mixed Oak Forests (Often Oak-Hickory or Oak-Ash)
Xeric Oak Forests (Often Oak-Pine Or Oak–Eastern Red-Cedar)
Pine Forests
Ash-Oak Savanna of the Bluegrass
Grass-Dominated Communities
Rock Outcrop Communities (Glades, Ledges, Clifftops)
Cliffsides and Rockhouses
Disturbed Communities
Plant Communities of Surface-Mined Lands
Section 4. Floristic Affinities
Section 5. Endemics
Section 6. Conservation Status
Section 7. The Status of Old-Growth Forest in Kentucky
Historical Reports
Current Old-Growth Forest in Kentucky
Kentucky’s Big Trees
Section 8. A History of Plant Conservation in Kentucky
Section 9. A History of Plant Life in Kentucky
Geologic Overview
Ordovician Period
Silurian Period
Devonian Period
Mississippian Period
Pennsylvanian Period
Permian Period
Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods (Mesozoic Era)
Tertiary Period
Quaternary Period
Current Geologic Conditions
Origins of the Flora
Paleozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era (Tertiary Period)
Cenozoic Era (Quaternary Period)
Native Americans and Presettlement Conditions
Section 10. Postsettlement Changes in the Plant Life of Kentucky
Effects of Habitat Alterations
Effects of Logging
Effects of Coal Mining
Effects of Wetland Losses
Effects of Acid Precipitation and Ozone Damage
Effects of Global Warming
Overall Effects of Habitat Alterations
Effects of Fungal and Animal Pests
Effects of Naturalized Plants
Effects of Harvesting for Medicinal or Ornamental Uses
Section 11. A History of Floristic Botany in Kentucky
The Antebellum Period (Prior to 1860)
André Michaux (1746–1802)
François André Michaux (1770–1855)
Constantine S. Rafinesque (1783–1840)
Charles W. Short (1794–1863) and Associates
The Civil War and the Postbellum Period (1860 to 1900)
The Beginning of Modern Field Botany (1900 to 1948)
Harrison Garman (1858–1943) and the College of Agriculture Herbarium
Frank T. Mcfarland (1886–?) and the University of Kentucky Herbarium
E. Lucy Braun (1889–1971)
Mary E. Wharton (1912–1991)
The 1948 Fire at the University of Kentucky Herbarium
The Recovery Period of Kentucky Botany (1948 to the Present)
Percy A. Davies (1896–1961) and Floristic Activities at the University of Louisville
Willem Meijer (1923–2003) and Floristic Activities at the University of Kentucky
John W. Thieret (1926–) and Floristic Activities at Regional Universities and Private Colleges
Other Contributions to Floristic Botany in Kentucky
Federal Agencies
State Agencies
Private Organizations
Private Citizens
Section 12. Current Status of Floristic Studies in Kentucky
Literature Cited in Part I
Part II. Taxonomic Treatment
Introduction to the Keys
General Key to Vascular Plants of Kentucky
Chapter 1. Pteridophytes of Kentucky
Chapter 2. Gymnosperms of Kentucky
Chapter 3. Dicotyledonae of Kentucky
Chapter 4. Monocotyledonae of Kentucky
Literature Cited in Part II
Appendix I. Glossary
Appendix II. Index of Part I
Appendix III. Index of Scientific Names in Part II
Appendix IV. Index of Common Names in Part II
Appendix V. Index of Popular Books on the Flora of the South-Central United States and the Southern Appalachians
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