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Envisioning The Entire API Lifecycle
#1: Analysis Stage
#2: Development Stage
#3: Operations Stage
#4: Retirement Stage
Choose Your Adventure:
I Analysis Stage
1. Preparing Your API Business Strategy
1.1 Basic Things to Consider
1.2 Determine If An API Is Right For Your Specific Situation
1.3 Perform Market Research
1.4 Align Your API With Business Objectives
1.5 Select Your API Business Plan
2. Monetization Models
2.1 How Can You Measure If Your API Is Profitable?
2.2 API Monetization Trick #1: Charge Directly for an API, by Call or Subscription
2.3 API Monetization Trick #2: Using API Access As A Premium Upsell Opportunity
2.4 API Monetization Trick #3: Drive Revenue-Generating Activities Through Your API
2.5 API Monetization Trick #4: Increase Distribution Through Strategic Partners
2.6 API Monetization Trick #5: Improve Operational Efficiency and Decrease Time to Market
2.7 Mix, Match, Measure Models of API Monetization
2.8 Your API Monetization Checklist
3. Understandig Your Target API Consumer
3.1 A Response to Increased Consumer Diversity
3.2 Why Create a Developer “Persona”?
3.3 The Developer Brain
3.4 But Plenty of Other People Are Interested in APIs, Too!
3.5 Expanding our Portal: End User Evangelism
3.6 Varying Industry Backgrounds
3.7 API Use Cases
3.8 Lessen The Corporate Branding
3.9 Developer Experience
3.10 Build it And They Will _____
II Development Stage
4. Constructing Your API
4.1 Things to Consider During Implementation
4.2 API Management
4.3 Maintenance
5. 12 Design Tips
5.1 Summarizing API Design Tips
III Operations Stage
6. Marketing Your API
6.1 Running Your API As a Product
6.2 Marketing Your API
6.3 Using Different Traction Channels
6.4 Supporting Your API
7. The Importance of API Metrics
7.1 What Is Metric Analysis?
7.2 Metric Analysis Tools and Services
7.3 Example — The Tokyo Traffic Problem
7.4 The Traffic Problem Solution
7.5 The Traffic Problem and APIs
7.6 Metrics Throughout the Lifecycle
7.7 A Real-World Failure - Heartbleed
7.8 A Real-World Success - The FedEx ShipAPI
7.9 Security, Effectiveness, and Commerce
IV Retirement Stage
8. A History of Major Public API Retirements
8.1 What Does Retirement Mean?
8.2 Retirement Reason #1: Lack of 3rd Party Developer Innovation
8.3 Retirement Reason #2: Opposing Financial Incentive, Competition
8.4 Retirement Reason #3: Changes in Technology & Consolidating Internal Services
8.5 Retirement Reason #4: Versioning
8.6 Retirement Reason #5: Security Concern
9. Preparing For a Deprecation
9.1 Rippling Effects
9.2 Preparing For Developer Reaction
V The Agile Mindset
10. What Makes an Agile API?
10.1 What is Agile?
10.2 Conclusion
11. Third Party Tools
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