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Imperial Library
List of Contributors
William Marshal and the Mercenariat (David Crouch)
Revisiting Mercenaries under Henry Fitz Empress, 1167–1188 (John D. Hosler)
Medieval Mercenaries: Methodology, Defi nitions, and Problems (Kelly DeVries)
Les Mercenaires dans les Campagnes Napolitaines de Louis le Grand, Roi de Hongrie, 1347–1350 (Guido Guerri dall'Oro)
The Da Varano Lords of Camerino as Condottiere Princes (John E. Law)
'Beneath the Battle'? Miners and Engineers as 'Mercenaries' in the Holy Land (XII–XIII siècles) (Nicolas Prouteau)
Soldiers of Fortune in the Fleets of Charles I of Anjou, King of Sicily, ca. 1265–85 (John H. Pryor)
Household Men, Mercenaries and Vikings in Anglo-Saxon England (Richard Abels)
Merovingian Mercenaries and Paid Soldiers in Imperial Perspective (Bernard S. Bachrach)
The Early Hungarians as Mercenaries 860–955 (Charles R. Bowlus)
'Warriors Fit for a Prince': Welsh Troops in Angevin Service, 1154–1216 (I.W. Rowlands)
Urban Military Forces of England and Germany c. 1240–c. 1315, a Comparison (David S. Bachrach)
Mercenaries, Mamluks and Militia: Towards a Cross-cultural Typology of Military Service (Stephen Morillo)
The Anglo-Flemish Treaties and Flemish Soldiers in England 1101–1163 (Eljas Oksanen)
The Origin of Money-Fiefs in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (Alan V. Murray)
Mercenaries and Paid Men in Gilbert of Mons (Laura Napran)
The Fourteenth Century Soldier—More Chaucer's Knight or Medieval Career? (Adrian R. Bell)
What does a Mercenary Leave Behind? The Archaeological Evidence for the Estates of Owain Lawgoch (Spencer Gavin Smith)
The Role of Mercenary Troops in Spain in the Fourteenth Century: the Civil War (Carlos Andrés González Paz)
The Teutonic Order's Mercenaries during the 'Great War' with Poland-Lithuania (1409–11) (Sven Ekdahl)
Scots Mercenary Forces in Sixteenth Century Ireland (Muríosa Prendergast)
The Irish Mercenary Tradition in the 1600s (Ciarán Óg O'Reilly)
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