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Imperial Library
Part One
1 - An Anodyne Epithem
2 - An Emmenagogue Decoction
3 - Emmenagogue Pills
4 - Balsamic Lozenges
5 - A Refrigerating Expression
6 - A Consolating Mixture
7 - A Julep for Child-Bed Women
8 - A Camphorate Electuary
9 - A Draught for a Bruise
Part Two
1 - A Traumatic Infusion
2 - Spleen Ale
3 - Horse-Dung Water
4 - Antiphthisic Decoction
5 - Consummate Broth
6 - An Electuary of Satyrion
7 - The Decoction Called Sacrum
8 - Analeptic Electuary
9 - An Antiloimick Decoction
10 - A Cataplasm in a Quinsy Sore Throat
11 - A Traumatic Decoction
12 - Wafers of Tamarinds
13 - An Alexipharmac Draught
14 - Diuretic Ale
Part Three
1 - A Warm Cardiac Electuary
2 - A Golden Julep
3 - A Gargle with Myrrh
4 - An Hysteric Electuary
5 - A Cordial Epithem
6 - A Cephalic Julep
7 - A Litus for the Face
Part Four
1 - A Cephalic Electuary
2 - An Icteric Decoction
3 - An Electuary of Mustard
4 - A Cataplasm of Herrings
5 - A Consolatory Draught
Part Five
1 - A Solid Errhine
2 - A Cordial Julep
3 - Pectoral Snail Water
4 - A Quilt for a Cap
5 - An Expression of Millipedes
6 - A Paste for Aphthae
7 - A Sweetening Scorbutick Ale
8 - A Decoction of the Woods
9 - A Temperate Pearl Cordial Julep
10 - A Pacific Mixture
11 - A Cataplasm of Bitters
12 - A Comforting Glyster
13 - A Cordial Caudle
14 - An Hysteric Nodule
Part Six
1 - An Hemoptoic Draught
2 - A Balsam called Mirabile
3 - A Foment for the Pain of Haemorrhoids
4 - A Draught for a Catarrh
5 - A Balsamic Bolus
6 - Peruvian Antihectic Lozenges
7 - A Peruvian Epileptic Electuary
8 - Splanchnic Powder
9 - Sternutatory Powder
Part Seven
1 - Chalybeate Syrup
2 - A Cataplasm of Webs
3 - Unguent for Shrinking of the Sinews
4 - Restorative Caudle
5 - A Pacific Foment
6 - An Alexiterial Julep
Epilogue: Venice, March 1787
Powder of Crabs Eyes Compound
Historical Notes: London and Venice, Winter 1785/6
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