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Imperial Library
One: The Long Haul Wasn’t Designed for a U-Haul
Two: Camptown Ladies & Camp, Camp
Three: Scents & Insensibility
Four: Think Inside The Box
Five: Allowing Others to Touch Your Wood
Six: Campgrounds, Catholics & Curses
Seven: Testing For Soft Spots
Eight: Hanni And My Sister
Nine: Patty & Anne Should Have Done The Nasty
Ten: Sticks Or Stones
Eleven: Lisa, Unleashed
Twelve: Mobsters For Lobsters
Thirteen: Wonder Woman Attacks!
Fourteen: Would You Rather Be a Clueless Fruit Or a Blind Date?
Fifteen: Why Throwing Poop Is Sometimes The Best Choice
Sixteen: Going Out With The Parents Is Such A Drag
Seventeen: Be Careful What You Fish For
Eighteen: Be Careful What You Curse For
Nineteen: A Farewell To (Doughy) Arms
Twenty: Punch To The Gut, And I’m To Blame
Twenty-One: The Soundproof Insulation Of Large Boobs
Twenty-Two: Stormy, Stormy Night
Twenty-Three: MILF’s, Meatballs & Mistakes
Twenty-Four: Greg Brady Learns His Limits
Twenty-Five: People With Dyke Sisters Shouldn’t Throw Stones
Twenty-Six: Every Day Is Gay Day
Twenty-Seven: She Shoots, She Scores!
Twenty-Eight: If a Lesbian Falls In The Woods, Does She Make a Sound?
Twenty-Nine: Nobody Wants To Talk About The Pink Labia In The Room
Thirty: Why Some Things Are Wrapped In Plastic
Thirty-One: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
Thirty-Two: Sometimes Your Best Insurance Is In Your Bra
Thirty-Three: Hoisting The Boobs For a Clearer View
Thirty-Four: When Your Ball Hits Your Thigh, Like a Big Pizza Pie . . .
Thirty-Five: Pasta, Pot, Pee & Me
Thirty-Six: Bang-Bang-Tap
A Note From The Author
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