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Lie 1: I didn’t do it
Lie 2: I am lying
Lie 3: It’s an ulcer
Lie 4: You’ve beated me to it
Lie 5: I’m number three
Lie 6: I looked it up on Google
Lie 7: Memoir is non-fiction
Lie 8: Happy families
Lie 9: It’s people crying that puts Dad in a bad mood
Lie 10: He married well
Lie 11: We’ve posted you a present
Lie 12: We don’t have favourites
Lie 13: I’m the most hard-done-by
Lie 14: I’m your only girl
Lie 15: One day I’ll run off and join the circus
Lie 16: Ma’s gone to get the messages
Lie 17: I’ve lost my mother
Lie 18: The man will come with big scissors and cut off your thumb
Lie 19: The Da was taken
Lie 20: I will not cry
Lie 21: I didn’t peek at Barney
Lie 22: All he needs is a firm hand
Lie 23: Being good makes things better
Lie 24: One day you’ll move into the Big House
Lie 25: They’re pestering me to have another baby
Lie 26: I am your father
Lie 27: The Saudis are all bloody incompetent
Lie 28: I’m leaving you
Lie 29: We’re staying together for the children
Lie 30: I don’t remember
Lie 31: I forgot
Lie 32: I’m Selina
Lie 33: School is really nice
Lie 34: There will be no morning run
Lie 35: That woman is ill-disciplined
Lie 36: I have never enjoyed taking a poo
Lie 37: I’m going home
Lie 38: I couldn’t get him to change his mind
Lie 39: I hate Dinah
Lie 40: There’s nothing I can do
Lie 41: One day I’ll report him
Lie 42: That was entirely inappropriate
Lie 43: I’m going to kill myself
Lie 44: It won’t happen to my child
Lie 45: I am frigid
Lie 46: Jesus knows best
Lie 47: This is the toughest letter I’ve ever had to write
Lie 48: I’ll take her home
Lie 49: I deserved it
Lie 50: Will you go out with me?
Lie 51: Nemo me impune lacessit
Lie 52: I’m Sylvie
Lie 53: I want a relationship
Lie 54: I just wanted to return his pullover
Lie 55: Honestly it won’t be so bad
Lie 56: We’re spending quality time together
Lie 57: Marriage is all I want
Lie 58: We parent together
Lie 59: You’ll be fine
Lie 60: Let me tell you a secret
Lie 61: We’ll see you for your second course of chemotherapy in a month’s time
Lie 62: We agreed a story and she carried it off well
Lie 63: The testes are unremarkable
Lie 64: I am good
Lie 65: It was just a joke
Lie 66: Jesus loves me
Lie 67: No it wasn’t misgusting
Lie 68: Stickers are fair
Lie 69: It’s not easy for me to do this
Lie 70: Always tell the truth
Lie 71: I’d just have to kill some people
Lie 72: With my body I thee worship
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