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Imperial Library
1— Reason and Belief
The Scientific Miracle
Human Reason and Common Sense
Thoughts About Thought
A Rational World
Metaphysics: Who Needs It?
Time and Eternity: The Fundamental Paradox of Existence
2—Can the Universe Create Itself?
Was There a Creation Event?
Creation from Nothing
The Beginning of Time
Cyclic World Revisited
Continuous Creation
Did God Cause the Big Bang?
Creation without Creation
Mother and Child Universes
3—What Are the Laws of Nature ?
The Origin of Law
The Cosmic Code
The Status of the Laws Today
What Does It Mean for Something to “Exist”?
In the Beginning
4—Mathematics and Reality
Magic Numbers
Mechanizing Mathematics
The Uncomputable
Why Does Arithmetic Work?
Russian Dolls and Artificial Life
5—Real Worlds and Virtual Worlds
Simulating Reality
Is the Universe a Computer?
The Unattainable
The Unknowable
The Cosmic Program
6—The Mathematical Secret
Is Mathematics Already “Out There”?
The Cosmic Computer
Why Us?
Why Are the Laws of Nature Mathematical?
How Can We Know Something without Knowing Everything?
7—Why Is the World the Way It Is?
An Intelligible Universe
A Unique Theory of Everything?
Contingent Order
The Best of All Possible Worlds?
Beauty as a Guide to Truth
Is God Necessary?
A Dipolar God and Wheeler's Cloud
Does God Have to Exist?
The Options
A God Who Plays Dice
8—Designer Universe
The Unity of the Universe
Life Is So Difficult
Has the Universe Been Designed by an Intelligent Creator?
The Ingenuity of Nature
A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place
Is There Need for a Designer?
Multiple Realities
Cosmological Darwinism
9—The Mystery at the End of the Universe
Turtle Power
Mystical Knowledge
The Infinite
What Is Man?
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