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Imperial Library
1st June 2006: Velveteen Rabbit
15th June 2006: Swans Fly Home
19th June 2006: Going to the Chapel
21st June 2006: Honeymoon Over
23rd June 2006: Hands of Time
25th June 2006: Kiss from a Rose
1st July 2006: Ripples on the Swan Pond
2nd July 2006: Love on a Summer Day
11th July 2006: Domestic Miss
13th July 2006: Squatters
17th July 2006: Global Warming
19th July 2006: Evil Reindeer
20th July 2006: Fantasy Lovers
5th August 2006:Mr Bojangles - a song for Emily
6th August 2006: Spinning the Waltzers
9th August 2006: Imperfection
18th August 2006: Dramatic Art
22nd August 2006: Last Night of the Proms
25th August 2006: Reality Check
26th August 2006: Cherry Popping
28th August 2006: Wraggle Taggle Gypsy O
3rd September 2006: Post Mortem
1st September 2006: Pillion Pain
6th September 2006: Kinky Capers
9th September 2006: Dead Dick and Chocolate Catastrop
11th September 2006: Voodoo Barbie
14th September 2006: A Plague Upon Us
15th September 2006: Fans and Fame
19th September 2006: Bed Rest
21st September 2006: Hospital
26th September 2006: Near Death
27th September 2006: Conkered!
28th September 2006: Musings
5th October 2006: Inconsequential Shoes
8th October 2006: Drag Cabs
9th October 2006: For Better or Worse
22nd October 2006: Tight Fisted Faggot
23rd October 2006: Contraceptive Dumplings
25th October 2006: Rosebuds
31st October 2006: Gomez loves Morticia
6th November 2006: Reading Matter
10th November 2006: Sheherazade
22nd November 2006: Perceptions
23rd November 2006: Gearing up for Battle
25th November 2006: Alarm
26th November 2006: Hair Raising Spectacle
27th November 2006: Doomed
4th December 2006: Fizzing and Twinkling
6th December 2006: The Three Unwise Men
7th December 2006: Advent
12th December 2006: Jewel Thief Targets Queen
13th December 2006: Soap Operas
14th December 2006: Santa Claus the Burglar
18th December 2006: Waiting
20th December 2006: Walking in the Air
23rd December 2006: The Cost of a Free Sample
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