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Imperial Library
It’s not my fault — I didn’t even know it was a mistake!
A great pick-up line
How much did that cost?
Analyse to understand
Oops, sorry, my mistake
Prevention is better than cure
First time it’s a mistake, second time it’s my fault, third time I’m an idiot
Avoiding the blame game
The horse goes in front of the cart
Building from the ground up
Teaching the old dogs new tricks
Patience is a virtue
Choosing the shoe that fits
Reality check required
Failing to plan is planning to fail
Write it down
Only fools have no rules
Transfer the funds to my account, please
Do it now
It’s evolutionary, baby
Get that monkey off my back
Somebody else must know more than me!z
Three schooners and 1000 BHP shares, thanks mate
Suffocated in a strangle
Ah, sorry mate, you know that share tip? Well...
Quiet please, the movie is starting
Nice knowing me
So you think you can... sing?
Developing your skills
Simulation versus fantasy
Add in a healthy dose of realism
Cheering for the team
Looking in the mirror
Aligning the planets
Easy come, easy go
I’m not slow, I’m a turtle!
KISS this
Enter at your own risk
Running away from your ego
Making the shift
Complex complexity
Analysed but paralysed
Keeping it simple
Trader development
Too many contracts, not enough shares
One head, two hats
It’s simple, but it ain’t sexy!
Thinking beyond the obvious
Position sizing
Decisions, decisions and more decisions
1000 per cent return in three days — sure, it happens all the time
Learning to play the piano
A reality check
Doing what it takes
Sorting the wheat from the chaff
Heads, I win; tails, you lose!
You loser!
So, you’re expecting...
Crunching the numbers
Sample size
The past ain’t the future ... (yet)
What’s your edge?
Creating certainty in an uncertain environment
Keep it real
Bet big to lose big
Margin or leverage — what’s the big deal?
Ramp it up...
... and smack me down
A double-edged sword
Share trading on margin (margin loans)
Predicting the market top
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?
What’s your time frame?
Long and short beans
Don’t burn the cake
Money and time
Clarity is king
Where the ^!*# is the exit?
Trying to out-think the market
Getting trampled by cattle
Mental stops for mental cases
I just wanna get it right!
Shooting for a target
The trader and the shoe salesman
Getting greedy for coffee
Using a trailing stop
The eternal optimist
Why trade with exit rules?
The magic ingredient?
But the guy on TV said it would go up tomorrow!
It must be right — I saw it on TV
Hey, it’s not my fault, I only drank 10 beers!
Practising and practising the violin
A good tradesman never blames his tools
Half price and still too expensive
The chasm of despair
Riding the trend
If you want my advice...
Take the money... and wait
An emotional train wreck
Learn and prosper
I’m right! The market’s wrong
It’s not only about the money
One day at a time
Ego is a dirty word
When the rubber hits the road
Watching you, watching who?
Adopting a disciplined approach
The emotions of a robot
Consistently inconsistent
Do you see what I see?
Picking fruit
Managing the system
Understanding drawdowns
A trader’s mindset
What colour is your box?
Overworked and underpaid
Too much or not too much — is that the question?
Errors, instability and dirty laundry
A line in the sand
Who are you?
Getting it right
Fat fingers, 10 000 too many and busting trades
Who fears the executioner?
Redefining the role of the broker
Oh, #@%&! I pressed the wrong button!
Common trading errors
Avoid the grief
I’m sure I filed that somewhere ...
Trader or investor
Don’t be an ostrich
Spreadsheets and computer programs
Online record keeping
Backing up
Pay a bookkeeper
Defining your activities — an Australian perspective
Shoes in a shoebox, records on a spreadsheet
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