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Imperial Library
Front Matter
1. Introduction: Dogs, the Arctic, and Amundsen’s Clandestine Switch to the Antarctic
Part I. The Strategic Plan, The Secret Ingredient
2. The Vital Importance of Sled Dogs
3. Two “Eskimos” to Care for the Good Greenland Dogs
4. A Perfect Ship, a Professional Crew, and a Home for Pet Dogs
Part II. From Greenland to Norway
5. The Voyage of the Hans Egede
6. Fram’s Test Voyage and the Island of the Misfit Dogs
7. The Secret Passage and the Circumnavigating Pups
Part III. Journey Across the Seas to Antarctica
8. The Voyage South: Dogs First, Dogs All the Time
9. The Wooing of Lasse and the Caring for the Dogs
10. The Females and the Mother Ship: Woman Shall Not Come on Board
11. Maren and Her Sons in Madeira: Enduring the Heat
12. The Births and Deaths of October
13. The Lady and the Sea
14. Christmas Among the Ice Floes
15. The Arrival in Antarctica
Part IV. Depot-Laying, Winter’s Work, and a False Start
16. The First Sled Ride
17. Great Surprise! It’s the Terra Nova!
18. The First Depot Run: Flying on a High
19. The Second Depot Run: Disaster for the Dogs
20. The Third Depot Run: Third Time Is Not the Charm
21. Born and Bred in Antarctica
22. The Divine Trio: Fix, Lasse, and Snuppesen
23. Hjalmar Johansen’s Charges: Camilla, Knegten, Uroa, and Rotta
24. Don Pedro Christophersen and Balmy Buenos Aires
25. A Midwinter Night’s Dream
26. Now Is the August of Our Winter’s Content
27. The Premature Start
28. The Decisive Ejection and the Change of Plan
Part V. Sled Trek to the South Pole and Back
29. Snow Trek
30. The Eastern Party’s Expedition to King Edward VII Land
31. The Push to the Plateau: Kjøring Across the Ice Waves
32. Pulling for the “Chief”: The Climbing of the Mountain Peaks
33. Butcher’s Shop: “The Final Reward”
34. A Devil of a Climb: The Devil’s Glacier
35. The Dogs at the South Pole
36. The Return Trek from the South Pole
37. The Search for the Devil’s Depot
38. The Eastern Party, the Fram, and an Australian in Antarctica
39. The South Pole Party Returns Home
Part VI. The Return from Antarctica
40. Their Final Destinations: The South Pole Dogs and Sled Dogs
41. Impressions that Dog Us
Back Matter
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