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Imperial Library
A Child's Book of Saints
William Canton
With illustrations by T. H. Robinson
London Published by J. M. Dent & Co. and in New York by E. P. Dutton & Co.
First Edition, March 1906. Reprinted May 1906.
List of Illustrations
Women lived the life of prayer and praise and austerity and miracle
"These are the fields in which the Shepherds watched"
Hilary wondered and mused
A gaunt, dark figure, far up in the blue Asian sky
"Come not any nearer, turn thy face to the forest, and go down"
"I am not mad, most noble Sapricius"
They won their long sea-way home
"And four good Angels watch my bed, two at the foot and two the head"
And again in the keen November
The eight hundred horsemen turned in dismay
"Surely in all the world God has no more beautiful house than this"
St. Francis of Assisi
Itha rode away with her lord
King Orgulous
A Child's Book of Saints
In the Forest of Stone
Women lived the life of prayer and praise
The Song of the Minster
The Pilgrim of a Night
"These are the fields in which the Shepherds watched"
The Ancient Gods Pursuing
Hilary wondered and mused
The Dream of the White Lark
The Hermit of the Pillar
A gaunt, dark figure, far up in the blue Asian sky
Kenach's Little Woman
Come not any nearer; turn thy face to the forest, and go down
Golden Apples and Roses Red
"I am not mad, most noble Sapricius"
The Seven Years of Seeking
They won their long sea-way home
The Guardians of the Door
"And four good Angels watch my bed"
On the Shores of Longing
And again in the keen November
The Children of Spinalunga
The eight hundred horsemen turned in dismay
The Sin of the Prince Bishop
"Surely in all the world God has no more beautiful house than this"
The Little Bedesman of Christ
St. Francis of Assisi
The Burning of Abbot Spiridion
The Countess Itha
Itha rode away with her lord
The Story of the Lost Brother
The King Orgulous
King Orgulous
The Journey of Rheinfrid
Lighting the Lamps
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