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Imperial Library
Title Page
A Brief History
On the Run
The Occupation and the Anti-Jewish Regulations
Opekta, Pectacon, Gies & Co.
The Hiding Period and the Arrest
Police Investigation
The Helpers Are Honored
Daily Life in the Secret Annex
Daily Routine
Food and Distribution
Contact with the Outside World
Daily Discomforts
The Building at Prinsengracht 263
The People in Hiding
Otto Frank
Background: A Well-to-Do Family
Flight to the Netherlands: A Modern Businessman
In Hiding: Paterfamilias
After Discovery: Absorbed by the Diary
Edith Frank
Background: Happy Years
Flight to the Netherlands: Adjusting to Another Country
In Hiding: Living in Fear and Despair
After Discovery: A Well-Organized Hell
Margot Frank
Background: A Sweet, Easy-Going Girl
Flight to the Netherlands: A Hardworking and Clever Student
In Hiding: Eight Lonely People
After Discovery: Westerbork, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen
Anne Frank
Background: A Cheeky Little Toddler
Flight to the Netherlands: Miss Chatterback
In Hiding: The Dream of Being a Famous Writer
After Discovery: A Lonely Death
Hermann van Pels
Background: Dutch Nationality
Flight to the Netherlands: Specialist in Herbs and Spices
In Hiding: Shortage of Funds
After Discovery: A Fatal Injury
Auguste van Pels
Background: Coquettish and Elegant
Flight to the Netherlands: A New Start in the Netherlands
In Hiding: Keeping Things Lively
After Discovery: A Brutal Death
Peter van Pels
Background: Smaller and Smaller Classes
Flight to the Netherlands: Good with His Hands
In Hiding: Hunger and Dreaming of Freedom
After Discovery: A Death March
Fritz Pfeffer
Background: A Sports-Loving Dentist
Flight to the Netherlands: Saying Good-Bye to His Son
In Hiding: Love at a Distance
After Discovery: Worked to Death
The Helpers
Johannes Kleiman
Background: Jack-of-All-Trades
In Hiding: Auguste Van Pels’s Fur Coat
After Discovery: Intense Involvement with the Anne Frank House
Victor Kugler
Background: Friend and Business Partner
In Hiding: Mastermind of the Bookcase
After Discovery: Immigrating to Canada
Bep Voskuijl
Background: Eldest of a Large Family
In Hiding: The Youngest Helper
After Discovery: Meeting Queen Juliana
Miep Gies
Background: A Bicycle Ride That Changed Her Life
In Hiding: Pack Mule and Carrier Pigeon
After Discovery: A Woman with a Big Heart
Jan Gies
Background: An Unpretentious Amsterdammer
In Hiding: In the Resistance
After Discovery: A Woman with a Big Heart
Others In and Around Prinsengracht 263
Warehouse Workers, 1942–1944
The Chemist and the Neighbors
Sales Representatives
Deliverymen: The Butcher, the Baker, and the Greengrocer
Jewish Emigration Flows, 1933–1939
Important Camps
Time Line
Further Reading
Visual Credits
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