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Title Page
Night Shift Witch
About Night Shift Witch
1. One Step Closer to Financial Freedom…and Dead People
2. Epic Fail, Witch-Style
3. Lessons Learned from Twinkles the Cat
4. Beyond Epic Fail, or Could this Day Get Worse?
5. How Dead Is Dead?
6. My Ex-Knight in Less-than-Shining Armor
7. Modern (Paranormal) Policing
8. The Witching Hour…or Happy Hour?
9. The Butler Did It
10. The Ice Queen Did It
11. The Mistress Did It
12. Dancing with a Devilish Vamp
13. Cooking Up a Corpse
14. That Voodoo that You Do…that Isn’t Voodoo
15. The Plan
16. The Other Plan…
17. Bullets, Bad Guys, and Lessons Learned
18. My Hero, or Forms in Triplicate
Star of the Party
About Star of the Party
1. Corpus Interruptus
2. A Murky Cosmic Message
3. A Halloween Hiccup
4. My Hero
5. Ghost Crasher
6. Tick Tock, or Projectile Vomiting Foreshadowed
7. Margery’s Plumbing Comes Under Suspicion
8. Who Done Did It
9. Murder Math
10. The Commencement of One Very Interrupted Date
Tickle the Dragon’s Tail
About Tickle the Dragon’s Tail
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Twinkles Takes a Holiday
About Twinkles Takes a Holiday
1. Mostly a Cat
2. Double Anchovies, Please
3. Murphy’s Mad Mind-Reading Skills
4. Reindeericide
5. Dr. Luring’s Un-Evil Twin
6. Keeping Santa Jolly
7. Twinkles, a.k.a. Matt, a.k.a. Patsy
8. If it’s a Bug, is it Murder?
9. The Cat Cave
10. Twinkles’ Suspect List Revealed
11. Twinkles Marks His Territory
12. Twinkles (and His Pee) Strike Again
13. Hand-Me-Down Potions
14. Beware Large Men in Flannel
15. No Christmas Magic, Only Christmas Cheer
16. Arm Wrestling, the Great Equalizer
EXCERPT: Adventures of a Vegan Vamp Excerpt
About the Author
Also by Cate Lawley
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