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Title Page
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Foreword by Paul F. White
Part I: History.
1. The History of Local Anesthesia.
Part II: Foundations of Regional Anesthesia.
Section One. Anatomy & Electrophysiology
2. Embryology.
3. Functional Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
4. Histology of Peripheral Nerves.
5. Peripheral Nerve Stimulators & Electrophysiology of Nerve Stimulation.
Section Two. Pharmacology
6. Clinical Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics.
7. Newer Amide Anesthetics & Sustained-Release Local Anesthetics1.
8. Analgesic Adjuvants in Neuraxial Anesthesia.
9. Analgesic Adjuvants in the Peripheral Nervous System.
10. Local Anesthetic Solutions for Continuous Nerve Blocks.
11. Sedation-Analgesia during Local & Regional Anesthesia.
Part III: Clinical Practice of Regional Anesthesia.
Section One. Local & Infiltrational Anesthesia.
12. Local Infiltration Anesthesia.
Section Two. Neuraxial Anesthesia
13. Spinal Anesthesia.
14. Epidural Blockade.
15. Caudal Anesthesia.
16. Combined Spinal-Epidural Anesthesia.
Section Three. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
17. Equipment for Peripheral Nerve Block.
Section Four. Blocks of the Head & Neck
18. Nerve Blocks for the Head & Neck.
19. Regional & Topical Anesthesia for Endotracheal Intubation.
20. Oral & Regional Maxillofacial Anesthesia.
21. Local & Regional Anesthesia for Eye Surgery.
Section Five. Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks
22. Functional Evaluation of Motor Responses for Upper Limb Blocks.
23. Cervical Plexus Block.
24. Cervical Paravertebral Block.
25. Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block.
26. Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block.
27. Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block.
28. Axillary Brachial Plexus Block.
29. Wrist Block.
30. Digital Block.
31. Cutaneous Blocks for the Upper Extremity.
Section Six. Blocks for the Lower Extremity
32. Clinical Assessment of Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks.
33. Lumbar Plexus Block.
34. Obturator Nerve Block.
35. Femoral Nerve Block.
36. Three-in-One Block.
37. Sciatic Nerve Block.
38. Block of the Sciatic Nerve in the Popliteal Fossa.
39. Ankle Block.
40. Cutaneous Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity.
Section Seven. Intravenous Regional Blocks for the Upper & Lower Extremity
41. Intravenous Regional Block for Upper & Lower Extremity Surgery.
42. Ilioinguinal & lliohypogastric Blocks.
43. Thoracic & Lumbar Paravertebral Block.
44. Intercostal Nerve Block.
Part IV: New & Emerging Concepts In Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Equipment & Practice.
45. Percutaneous Nerve Localization.
46. Multistimulation Techniques for Peripheral Nerve Blocks.
47. Injection & Current Delivery Monitoring.
48. Equipment for Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks.
49. Stimulating Catheters.
Part V: Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia.
50. Introduction to Ultrasound-Assisted Regional Anesthesia Techniques.
51. Ultrasound-Assisted Nerve Blocks in Adults.
52. Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Children.
Part VI: Regional Anesthesia for Obstetric & Gynecologic Surgery
53. Obstetric Regional Anesthesia.
Part VII: Regional Anesthesia for Pediatric Surgery
54. Regional Anesthesia in Pediatric Patients.
A. General Concepts.
B. Pediatric Epidural & Caudal Analgesia & Anesthesia.
C. Spinal Anesthesia in Children.
D. Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Children.
E. Acute Pain Management in Children.
55. Local & Regional Anesthesia in Pediatric General Dentistry.
Part VIII: Regional Anesthesia in Patients With Special Considerations.
56. Regional Anesthesia in the Elderly.
57. Regional Anesthesia & Cardiovascular Disease.
58. Regional Anesthesia & Systemic Disease.
59. Regional Anesthesia in the Patient with Preexisting Neurologic Disease.
60. Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Limb: Implications for Regional Anesthesia.
Part IX: Perioperative Management Of Patients Having Regional Anesthesia.
61. Perioperative Management with Peripheral Nerve Block Anesthesia.
Part X: Regional Anesthesia in Specific Patient Populations.
62. Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Outpatient Surgery.
63. Neuraxial Anesthesia in Outpatients.
64. Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Outpatients.
65. Regional Anesthesia in Community Practice.
66. Regional Anesthesia in Austere Environment Medicine.
67. Regional Analgesia in the Critically III.
68. Regional Anesthesia & Acute Pain Management in the Emergency Department.
Part XI: Neurologic Complications of Regional Anesthesia.
69. Neurologic Complications of Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Mechanisms & Management.
70. Neuraxial Anesthesia & Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Patients on Anticoagulants.
71. Diagnosis & Management of Intraspinal, Epidural, & Peripheral Nerve Hematoma.
72. Infection Control in Regional Anesthesia.
73. Postdural Puncture Headache.
Part XII: Does Regional Anesthesia Make a Difference?.
74. Pharmacoeconomics of Regional Anesthesia: Implications in Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery, Hospital Admission, & Early Rehabilitation.
75. Effects of Regional Anesthesia & Analgesia on Perioperative Outcome.
Part XIII: Regional Anesthesia & Acute Pain Management.
76. Preemptive Analgesia, Regional Anesthesia, & the Prevention of Chronic Postoperative Pain.
77. The Role of Nonopioid Analgesic Techniques in the Management of Postoperative Pain.
78. Acute Pain Service: Organization, Function, & Implementation.
79. Organization of an Acute Pain Management Service Incorporating Regional Anesthesia Techniques.
Part XIV: Documentation & Training of Regional Anesthesia.
80. Documentation of Regional Anesthesia Procedures.
81. Teaching Regional Anesthesia.
82. Regional Anesthesia Fellowships.
83. Principles of Statistical Methods for Research in Regional Anesthesia.
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