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Imperial Library
The Choral Team: Creating a Place for Singers to Belong
Kirk Aamot
Choral Singing and Eudaimonia
Frank Abrahams
Building a Positive Ensemble Culture
Kari Adams
WHY?: One Word to Transform Your Concert Curriculum
Miriam Altman
Useful Compositional Techniques for Directors
Jeffery L. Ames
Leadership through a New Lens
Hilary Apfelstadt
The “Antifragile” Choir
Eric Barnum
Teaching Traditional South African Music
Michael Joseph Barrett
World Music Pedagogy in Choral Music Education
Sarah J. Bartolome
Creative Musicianship in the Choral Classroom
William I. Bauer
It’s My First Time Music-Directing a Musical—Now What?
Matt Bean
Singers on the Move: Breathing Life into Your Choir through Movement
Jeffrey Benson
Teaching Independence in (and through) Contemporary A Cappella
Jacob Axel Berglin
Balancing Your Feedback Specificity
Tucker Biddlecombe
From the One to the Many: Teaching the Ensemble through the Individual
Geoffrey P. Boers
Developmental Teaching in Choral Rehearsals
Judy Bowers
Vocal Jazz Score Analysis Techniques: Harmony and Texture
Tim Brent
Singing and Intonation, Choices!
Donald Brinegar
The Comfort Zone Assignment
Paul Broomhead
Teaching Sight-Reading to Choral Ensemble Singers
Rachel P. Carlson
Understanding Editions: Using CPDL and IMSLP to Develop Early Music Intuition
Jeremiah Cawley
Hearing Health in the Choral Rehearsal
Sheri L. Cook-Cunningham
AAA for Choral Educators
Edith A. Copley
Connecting: Look Up, Glance Down
Andrew Crow
Generating Gestures: Using Dalcroze Eurhythmics to Prepare to Conduct
Caron Daley
The Conductor as Choreographer: Dancing with Your Hands
Peggy Dettwiler
Commissioning a New Work 101
Dominick DiOrio
Recruiting and Keeping Boys and Men in the Choral Classroom
Peter A. Eklund
Preparing for Improvisation
Frances Farrell
Pragmatic Programming for Perilous Times: Striving to be CEOs
Jason Max Ferdinand
The Culturally Responsive Music Teacher: Considering Equity, Access, & Cultural Competence
Kate Fitzpatrick-Harnish
Five Steps for Planning and Rehearsing Repertoire
Patrick K. Freer
Challenging Unconscious Bias in Musical Style Interpretation
Emily Y. Frizzell
Starting Rehearsals with Consistency: A Recipe for Success
J.D. Frizzell
Involving Students in Repertoire Selection
Janet Galván
“Let’s Get Physical!”: Movement in Choral Warm-Ups
Melissa L. Grady
Multifunctional Conducting: A Short Course with a Broad View
Alan J. Gumm
Facilitating Positive and Inclusive Choral Experiences for Students with Disabilities
Emily Guthe
The Wedge: Effective Rehearsal Planning to Help Your Choir Peak at the Right Time
Michael Hanawalt
Simple, Fun, and Fast Choral Blend: Just Add Filters
David Harris
Body Percussion to Internalize Even/Uneven Rhythms in Songs
Esther Liu Harris
Are You Ready? Building a Culture of Preparedness
Lynda R. Hasseler
Overtone Singing in Vocal Ensembles
Frank Havrøy
Technology-Assisted Assessment Tools for the Choral Conductor
Jason Hawkins
GUIDE: An Approach to Shaping Student Leaders
Christopher D. Haygood
The Yin and the Yang of Vocal Sight-Reading
Michele L. Henry
Get Out of the Way
Allen Hightower
The Magic of Children’s Voices
Joy Hirokawa
Empowering Strategies for Student-Centered Learning in Choir
Lauri A. Hogle
Solfège Is Not Just for Sight-Singing
Mary Hopper
Expanding Options for the Soprano Voice in the Choral Rehearsal
Laurel Irene
A New Paradigm of Choral Uniform
Nicole C. Lamartine
Breaking Down Barriers for Students with Disabilities in Your Choir
Christine Lapka
Encouraging Musical Choice in the Choral Ensemble
Andrew C. Last
The Choral Warm-Up Period
Anthony T. Leach
The Gospel Choir Sound: Explanation, Production, and Pedagogical Exploration
Jaron M. LeGrair
Music and Movement!
Valerie Lippoldt Mack
How to Succeed as a Chorus Master
Edward Maclary
The Improvising Choral Director
Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman
Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises in Choirs
Jeremy N. Manternach
Teaching the Choral Singer How to Communicate Text with Honesty and Depth
Ianthe Onelia Marini
Quotes for Life-Giving Choral Rehearsals
Joey M. Martin
Programming for Change
Chris Maunu
Supporting Mindfulness and Mental Health in the Choral Rehearsal
Erynn Millard
Barbershop Harmony in the Choral Classroom
Justin Miller
Basic Vocal Jazz Rehearsal Tips for the Classical Choral Director
Susan Moninger
Teacher Talk
Jessica Nápoles
Multiple Meanings of the Top-Down Approach
Bryan E. Nichols
Rethinking Gender in the Choral Context
Joshua Palkki
Un-learning Heteronormativity in the Choral Classroom
Stephen A. Paparo
Five Team-Teaching Strategies for Choral Conductors and Voice Teachers
Chad R. Payton
Making the Piano Singer-Friendly
Brad Pierson
Choral Resonance: Sound, Science, Spirit
Amanda Quist
A Vocal Cool-Down for Choral Singers
Kari Ragan
Vocal Modeling Strategies for Male Directors of Children’s Choruses
Tiger Robison
Teaching Empathy and Fostering Critical Discourse in the Choral Classroom
Eugene Rogers
Conductor vs. Cooking Appliance: Creating Meaning through Temporal Flexibility
Jake Runestad
Celebrating Connection: Facilitating Culturally Responsive Rehearsals
Jace Kaholokula Saplan
(Trans)Gender Inclusivity in Vocal Pedagogy
William Sauerland[he/him or they/them]
Collaboration and Community in Choral Ensembles
Jo-Michael Scheibe
Christopher D. Haygood
Going Nuclear: Split Your Choir to Unleash Its Power!
Gary Seighman
Consonants: The Foundation for Choral Articulation
Tim Sharp
Developing a Buoyant and Vibrant Tenor Section
Stephen Sieck
Tips for Developing Conductor Expressivity
Brian A. Silvey
Vocal Health Essentials for the Choral Director
Lori L. Sonnenberg
Singing More Musically
Richard Sparks
Recruit from a Position of Strength
Ethan Sperry
Energy Cultivation and the Conductor: The Ancient Practice of Qigong
Elizabeth Swanson
Honoring Female Changing Voices
Bridget Sweet
Starting a Contemporary A Cappella Group
Matthew Swope
Choosing Repertoire for an Entire School Year
Jonathan Talberg
Working with a Collaborative Artist: Your Best Friend or Worst Nightmare
Julia Thorn
Foundations for Creating Artistry
Tony Thornton
Pulse. It’s Everyone’s Business.
Patrik Thurner
Singing Is Forever
Kimberly VanWeelden
Exploiting the Power of Dialogue in the Choral Rehearsal
Jason Vodicka
Under Pressure: Avoiding Rehearsal Traps
Brandon Williams
Choral Pedagogical Planning for Student Success
Brian J. Winnie
Six Facets of Teaching Culturally Diverse Musics
Hyesoo Yoo
Conduct What You Mean: Synthesizing and Developing a Consistent Conducting Vocabulary
Alan Zabriskie
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