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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Galileo’s Legacy, Life, and Works
Chronology of Galileo’s Career and Aftermath
Glossary of Terms and Names
Annotated Bibliography and Cited Works
Chapter 1: The Sidereal Messenger (1610)
Chapter 2: From Discourse on Bodies in Water (1612)
§2.1 Shape vs. Density in Floating and Sinking
Chapter 3: From History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots (1613)
§3.1 Solar Rotation and Indifferent Motion
§3.2 Heavenly Changes and Aristotelian Empiricism
§3.3 Knowing Properties vs. Knowing Essences
Chapter 4:Letters on Copernicanism and Scripture (1613–15)
§4.1 Letter to Castelli (1613)
§4.2 Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615)
Chapter 5: Reply to Cardinal Bellarmine (1615)
§5.1 Cardinal Bellarmine’s Letter to Foscarini
§5.2 Galileo’s Considerations on the Copernican Opinion, Part I
§5.3 Galileo’s Considerations on the Copernican Opinion, Part II
§5.4 Galileo’s Considerations on the Copernican Opinion, Part III
Chapter 6: From the Earlier Trial-Documents (1615–16)
§6.1 Lorini’s Complaint (7 February 1615)
§6.2 Caccini’s Deposition (20 March 1615)
§6.3 Special Injunction (26 February 1616)
§6.4 Decree of the Index (5 March 1616)
§6.5 Cardinal Bellarmine’s Certificate (26 May 1616)
Chapter 7: FromThe Assayer(1623)
§7.1 Comets, Tycho, and the Book of Nature in Mathematical Language
§7.2 Heat, Atoms, and Primary vs. Secondary Qualities
Chapter 8: From Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems(1632)
§8.1 Preface: To the Discerning Reader
§8.2 Day II: Independent-mindedness and Aristotle’s Authority
§8.3 Day II: Diurnal Rotation, Simplicity, and Probability
§8.4 Day II: The Case against Terrestrial Rotation, and the Value of Critical Reasoning
§8.5 Day II: Vertical Fall, Conservation of Motion, and the Role of Experiments
§8.6 Day III: Heliocentrism and the Role of the Telescope
§8.7 Day IV: The Cause of the Tides and the Inescapability of Error
§8.8 Day IV: Ending
Chapter 9: From the Later Trial-Documents (1632–33)
§9.1 Special Commission’s Report on the Dialogue (September 1632)
§9.2 Galileo’s First Deposition (12 April 1633)
§9.3 Galileo’s Second Deposition (30 April 1633)
§9.4 Galileo’s Third Deposition (10 May 1633)
§9.5 Galileo’s Defense (10 May 1633)
§9.6 Galileo’s Fourth Deposition (21 June 1633)
§9.7 Inquisition’s Sentence (22 June 1633)
§9.8 Galileo’s Abjuration (22 June 1633)
Chapter 10: From Two New Sciences (1638)
§10.1 Day I: The Problem of Scaling
§10.2 Day I: Critique of Aristotle’s Law of Fall
§10.3 Day I: The Pendulum
§10.4 Day II: The Mathematics of Strength, Size, and Weight
§10.5 Day III: A New Science of Motion
§10.6 Day III: Definition of Uniform Acceleration
§10.7 Day III: Laws of Falling Bodies
§10.8 Day IV: The Parabolic Path of Projectiles
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