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Chapter 1: The Five Milestones
Milestone One: Business Case and Discovery
Milestone Two: Strategic Grouping
Milestone Three: Integration
Milestone Four: Talent and Leadership
Milestone Five: Transition
Chapter One Summary: The Five Milestones
Milestone One: Business Case and Discovery
Chapter 2: Clarify the Strategic Priorities
Business Problems and Opportunities
The Strategy Canvas—Calling Out the Strategic Priorities
Chapter 3: Define the Case for Change
Why an Assessment
Who Should Be Included
Analyzing the Data—the Six Design Drivers
Applying the Drivers in Assessment
Chapter 4: Set the Design Criteria
External Benchmarking
How to Set Capabilities as Design Criteria
Milestone One Summary: Business Case and Discovery
Milestone Two: Strategic Grouping
Chapter 5: Use the Six Design Drivers
The Building Blocks
The Six Design Drivers
Chapter 6: Choose the Best Grouping Option
Organizational Archetypes
New Approaches to Geographic Organization
When Options Appear Equally Valid
Chapter 7: Embrace the Matrix
Making Strategic Grouping Choices in a Matrix
Case Example: Using Strategic Grouping to Build Multiple Capabilities
Milestone Two Summary: Strategic Grouping
Milestone Three: Integration
Chapter 8: Design for Operating Governance
Operating Models
Governance Levers
Chapter 9: Allocate Power in the Matrix
The Beliefs Lever at ABI
Interactive Networks at ABI
Boundaries at ABI
Diagnostic Measures at ABI
Chapter 10: Redesign Functions to Be Integrators
The “Problem with Corporate”
The Value Delivery Framework for the Corporate Center
Center-Led Versus Centralized
Milestone Three Summary: Integration
Milestone Four: Talent and Leadership
Chapter 11: Design the Leadership Organization
Define the Top-Level Reporting Structure
Design the Roles of Leaders
Design the Work of the Executive Team
Chapter 12: Make the Right Talent Choices
Staff the Talent Pivot Points
Repurpose Resources
Design the Organization to Grow Leaders
Case Study—Talent and Organization
Milestone Four Summary: Talent and Leadership
Milestone Five: Transition
Chapter 13: Set the Implementation Plan
Defining a Destination
Staging and Pacing the Major Tasks
Chapter 14: Navigate the Transition
Leading Transition—the Work
Tipping Points
Milestone Five Summary: Transition
Conclusion: Organization Design in Action
Chapter 15: Roles, Involvement, and the Project Timeline
Key Roles
Involving The Right People in The Process
Project Timeline
Building Organization Design Capability
Chapter 16: The Design Charette
Definition of a Charette
Who should Participate in the Charette?
Decision Process
Charette Plan
Transition Leadership
Measuring Success
Chapter 17: Learning to Lead Organization Design
The Intersection of Talent and Organization
Building General Managers’ Organization Know-How
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