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Topic 1: Complete Sentences
Topic 2: Subordinating Conjunctions
Topic 3: Relative Pronouns
Topic 4: Multiple Independent Clauses
Topic 5: Logical Operators
Topic 6: Things and Actions
Topic 7: Pluralizing Subjects
Topic 8: Which Subject?
Topic 9: Beginning with Prepositions
Topic 10: Negative Limiting Phrases
Topic 11: How Many Data?
Topic 12: How Many Salts?
Topic 13: Today’s Business: How Many Businesses?
Topic 14: A Means to Distinguish
Topic 15: Entities and Organizations
Topic 16: The Group are Ready
Topic 17: Money and Measures
Topic 18: Titles Eschew the Plural
Topic 19: Specific Indefinite Pronouns
Topic 20: Numbers for General Indefinite Pronouns
Topic 21: Many vs. Much
Topic 22: Few vs. Less
Topic 23: Number vs. Amount
Topic 24: Interrogative Words and Time
Topic 25: Interrogative Words and Nouns
Topic 26: The Awkward Why
Topic 27: Interrogative Vagaries
Topic 28: Yes-No Future
Topic 29: Accepted Fact is in the Present
Topic 30: “To be” as Hypothetical
Topic 31: “To be” as Binary Choice
Topic 32: Obvious Hypothetical Errors
Topic 33: The Subjunctive
Topic 34: Establish the Proper Referent for Pronouns
Topic 35: Pronoun Agreement
Topic 36: They versus “He or She”
Topic 37: Subject and Object Pronouns
Topic 38: Who and Whom
Topic 39: Whoever and Whomever
Topic 40: That and Which
Topic 41: Common Abuse of “Which”
Topic 42: It Was They
Topic 43: One and You
Topic 44: One is One’s
Topic 45: Adverbs
Topic 46: Wrong Placement of Modifiers
Topic 47: Ambiguous Placement of Modifiers
Topic 48: Sentences Beginning with Modifying Clauses
Topic 49: Comparing Abstract to Abstract, Concrete to Concrete
Topic 50: Subject and Object in Comparisons
Topic 51: Incomplete Comparisons
Topic 52: Comparisons within a Group
Topic 53: Comparative and Superlative
Topic 54: Parallelism with Verbs
Topic 55: Parallelism with Prepositions
Topic 56: Parallelism with Combined Subjects
Topic 57: Parallelism with “not”/“ but” Phrases
Topic 58: Comparisons with “is"
Topic 59: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Topic 60: Idioms
Topic 61: Formality in Writing
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