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A Note on the Texts
Introduction: The Rising Storm
The War Begins
Custer: Thoughts of War from West Point
Sherman: From New Orleans to Washington, D.C.
Early: Virginia Secedes
Lee : Lee Resigns His Commission
Pickett: The Journey to Richmond
The Battle of Fort Sumter
Porter: Fort Sumter vs Fort Pickens
Side Box: Lincoln’s War Room
Beauregard: The Bombardment of Fort Sumter
The First Battle of Manassas (First Bull Run)
Custer: Custer’s First Two Days on Duty
Beauregard: The Confederate Battle Plan
Jackson : Turning the Tide
Sherman: Confusion among the Federals
Side Box: Friendly Fire
Beauregard: Analysis of the Battle
Johnston: The Impossibility of Invading Washington, D.C.
Longstreet: Mistakes and What Could Have Been
Johnston and Beauregard: A “Glorious Victory”
The Battle of Shiloh
Grant: Fighting with Raw Recruits
Side Box: Military Intelligence
Sherman: The Extreme Fury of Battle
Beauregard: Striking a Sudden Blow
Bragg: “Our Condition Is Horrible”
Forrest: “Recruits Wanted”
The Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)
Longstreet: The Invasion of Maryland
McClellan: Rushing to Defend the North
Side Box: Aerial Reconnaissance
Hood: “The Hardest Fought Battle”
Early: Fighting at the Dunkard Church
Longstreet: Holding the Line with Two Cannons
Lee : Stragglers
Meade: Battlefield Promotion
Hooker: “A Great Battle Has Been Fought”
McClellan: “A Masterpiece of Art”
Longstreet: What Might Have Been
The Battle of Fredericksburg
Longstreet: Preparation for Battle
Hooker: Planning the Attack
Lee: The Union Army Enters the Town
Side Box: Sharpshooters
Hood: Discussions with Lee and Stonewall Jackson
Meade: “I Should Have Been the Great Hero”
Jackson: The Attack Had to Be Abandoned
Longstreet: Defending Marye’s Heights
Hancock: Assaulting Marye’s Heights
Hooker: Yet Another Futile Assault
Longstreet: Further Attacks on Marye’s Heights
Lee: Trying to Determine the Union’s Intentions
Burnside: Explaining the Defeat
Longstreet: What Burnside Should Have Done
Lee: Victory
The Battle of Chancellorsville
Lee: The Perfect Battle
Early : Stonewall Jackson Is Shot
Side Box: Surgery and Medicine
Hooker: The Problem with Chancellorsville
Meade: “I Am Sorry for Hooker”
Hancock: “The Wheel of Fortune”
The Siege of Vicksburg
Johnston: Lost Opportunities
Porter: Running the Gauntlet
Side Box: Ironclads and Submarines
Grant : Assault or Siege
Sherman: McClernand and the Second Assault
Grant: Forcing a Surrender
The Battle of Gettysburg
Longstreet: General Longstreet’s Spy
Side Box: Espionage
Hancock: The First Day of Battle
Chamberlain: “Hold That Ground at All Hazards”
Hood: General Lee’s Orders
Stuart: A Cavalry Battle
Custer: A Brilliant Charge
Longstreet: From Seminary Ridge to Cemetery Ridge
Hancock: Pickett’s Charge
Meade: Not Bagging the Confederate Army
Longstreet: Taking the Blame
Lee: Dealing with the Loss
The Battle of Chickamauga
Hood: Wounded
Sheridan: The Grit to Hold the Field
Polk : Appeal to the President
Forrest: “A Damned Scoundrel”
Longstreet: Entering a Hornets’ Nest
Bragg: The Other Side of the Story
Rosecrans: “The Battle Roared with Increasing Fury”
Side Box: Rebel Yell, Yankee Cheer
Grant : “Rosecrans Was Badly Defeated”
The Battle of the Crater (at Petersburg)
Chamberlain: The Long Delay
Side Box: Trench Warfare
Grant : Plan of Attack
Meade : A Most Unfortunate Operation
Burnside: The Order to Withdraw
Grant: “The Saddest Affair I Have Witnessed”
Hancock: Court of Inquiry
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman: “Making Georgia Howl”
Grant : General Johnston, General Hood
Sherman: A “Wild Adventure”
Beauregard: Trying to Stop Sherman
Sherman: Journey to the Sea
Side Box: Innovative Weapons
Grant: “Cruelty and Severity”
The Battle of Appomattox Court House
Grant : Preparations with Sheridan
Sheridan: A White Flag
Longstreet: Waiting for Grant
Side Box: Guerrillas
Grant : The Surrender
Chamberlain: “Morning Dawned”
Grant : Assassination
The War Ends
Lee: Farewell to the Army of Northern Virginia
Forrest: Your Final Orders
Pickett: Visiting Old Friends
Longstreet: History Written in Blood
Beauregard: How We Could Have Won
Grant: Failure of the Reconstruction
Forrest: Forrest’s Civil Rights Speech
Pickett: Remembering the Dead at Gettysburg
Hancock: Looking Back on the Storm
Roll Call
Conclusion: The Storm Clouds Begin to Clear
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