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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
Introduction—I Mean, Wait—Overture
1. Cast Yourself in the Role You Must Play
2. Value Courage over Confidence
3. Congratulate the Person Who Got “Your” Part
4. It’s Called a “Play” for a Reason
5. Raise Your Voice
6. Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths
7. Dance Like Everyone’s Watching
8. Remember: The Show Must Go On
9. Don’t Cross Your Arms When the Director Is Talking
10. Take Comfort That Everyone Is Always Starting Over
11. Realize We’re Each the Lead of Our Own Life
12. Fake It
13. Find Your “I Want” Song
14. The Real Work Happens After Opening Night
15. Buy Something Physical to Remember a Big Win
16. Figure Out What Kind of No It Is
17. Forget Your Résumé. Polish Your Reputation
18. Let Someone Else Take a Bow
19. Be a Good Scene Partner
20. Be Extra Nice to the P.A.’s
21. Make Stuff. Don’t Make Fun of Stuff
22. Create a New Family from Your Cast
23. Go Where the Love Is
24. Recognize That Life Is Like a Musical
25. Save the Drama
26. Stop Saying You’re Tired
27. Clap Loudest for the Understudies
28. Give Compliment Sandwiches
29. Follow Your Whims
30. Recover between Performances
31. Recruit a Friend to Assess Your Audition Outfit
32. Arrive a Half Hour before Half Hour
33. Imagine Your Hero in the Audience
34. Rehearse under Emergency Conditions
35. Write Fan Letters
36. Be Nice Outside the Audition Room, Too
37. Keep a Photo of the Worst Gig You Ever Had
38. Don’t Review a Show On-Site
39. Forgive Yourself for a Bad Performance
40. Put on a Happy Face
41. Reconnect with Your Inner Theater Kid
42. Take the Note
43. Live in a Suitcase
44. Go on “Vocal Rest”
45. Write an Aspirational Playbill Bio
46. Try to Name All of Last Year’s Tony Winners
47. Know That You’re Both Irreplaceable and Replaceable
48. Screw Up Onstage, but Keep Dancing
49. Find Your Tribe
50. Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal
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