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Imperial Library
Bobcat Surrounded by Pine
Sandhill Crane Flying above the Mountains
Twin Kit Fox Pups
Shorebirds Silhouetted at Sunrise
Rime Ice Lightly Clinging to Spruce Cone
Little Blue Heron Feeling Bashful
Pronghorn Antelope Bucks Sparring Uphill
Wild Turkey Tom Ruffled Up against the Dawn
Bison Rutting Around on the Ground
Northern Cardinal Singing from Desert Perch
Alligator Showing Its Teeth
Bighorn Ram in a Moment of Contemplation
Northern Mockingbird with Nesting Material
Coyote Quietly Stalking
Black Skimmer Calling in Flight
Pika Barking from Lichen-Covered Rock
Eastern Bluebird Treetop Perch
Sunset on the Borderlands
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Sitting Boldly on Perch
Tender Sunset Kiss between Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
Red-naped Sapsucker Grabbing a Red Berry
Snapping Turtle in a Stare-down
Mallard Mating Dance
Sea Otter Letting It Out
Northern Flicker Asleep on Perch
White-tailed Deer Twins Weathering the Storm
Turkey Vulture Beating Its Large Scavenger Wings
Elk Bull in Cross-step Strut
Red-winged Blackbird in the Focus of Spring
Badger Covered in Freshly Dug Dirt
Wood Duck Drake in Morning Light
Wide-eyed Mule Deer Buck
Vermillion Flycatcher on Early Spring Perch
Mountain Goat Feeding in Colorful Field of Flowers
Gulls on the Oceanside at Sunrise
Say’s Phoebe Pausing with Red Dragonfly in Beak
Mule Deer Bucks Sparring in Open Pine Woodlands
Ballet Feeding of a Sanderling
California Sea Lion in an Angle of Repose
Snow Geese Dawn Flight
Black Bear Cub Whiling Away the Day
Burrowing Owl Eye to Eye
Mule Deer against South Dakota Sunset
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