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Imperial Library
Front Matter
Title Page
Book I: Star Well
1: The universal soil is not uniformly fertile.
2: Of all the known objects in the Flammarion Rift . . .
3: Of all the irrelevant qualities that men have chosen . . .
4: You can call the Empire a fiction if you like.
5: Man once thought fire to be the wrath of the gods . . .
6: I find it hard to believe in Inspector Generals.
7: Most customs are foolish in themselves . . .
8: Imagine yourself in a duel:
9: When managers of illicit traffic meet . . .
10: There is a good old expression down home—
11: Will you admit that you have fears so breathtaking . . .
12: Adams bade his farewell to Alice . . .
Book II: The Thurb Revolution
1: Night is irregular.
2: Successful robbers must be sturdy mature men . . .
3: Yagoots and their otherwise-named brethren . . .
4: Within the bounds of the Nashuite Empire . . .
5: The empire is a gallimaufry of cultures . . .
6: The Nashuite Empire is vast.
7: Earth meditates, air questions, water dreams.
8: There is a long-standing split among philosophers . . .
9: Learning, playing and loving, and combinations thereof . . .
10: The human animal’s most distinguishing characteristic . . .
11: I’ll bet you never had an adventure . . .
12: Night is irregular.
13: Villiers said goodbye to Finch . . .
Book III: Masque World
1: Castle Rock rises above the town . . .
2: In these days when any man can comfortably dance . . .
3: There are those who honestly believe in . . .
4: Given the right premises, any desired conclusion . . .
5: Monism promises only one thing:
6: Do places dream of people until they return?
7: If my mother’s advice were taken as widely . . .
8: The amoeba only knows as much of the universe . . .
9: Holidays are no pleasure for anyone but children. . . .
10: Nothing is immortal, not even the universe.
11: The very best parties in all the world . . .
12: Lord Semichastny’s entertainment was held to be . . .
Also by Alexei Panshin
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