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Title Page
Table of Contents
In Loving Memory of The Fallen
Prologue: Remembering The Fallen
Chapter One: ‘It’s Like Football. Every so often you’ve got to replace the centre-forward.’
Chapter Two: ‘The night it all went apeshit.’
Chapter Three: ‘Sorry, boss … I am only a drummer.’
Chapter Four: ‘After a while in The Fall you’re no longer normal.’
Chapter Five: ‘I’m losing my hair through stress!’
Chapter Six: ‘We were best friends who fell out.’
Chapter Seven: ‘I knew Mark got me in to fuck off friel.’
Chapter Eight: ‘I took a lot of drugs and was a bit of a nutcase!’
Chapter Nine: ‘There was an outbreak of fleas.’
Chapter Ten: ‘I was living this incredible double life!’
Chapter Eleven: ‘There are a lot of skeletons in the Fall cupboard, stories that haven’t been told.’
Chapter Twelve: ‘I’m not an arsonist, I work for the BBC!’
Chapter Thirteen: ‘A whole different universe.’
Chapter Fourteen: ‘’Ello, luv. Are you having a nice holiday?’
Chapter Fifteen: ‘It was like some kind of medieval Italian principality. Or a Chinese court, full of would-be sycophants and mandarins.’
Chapter Sixteen: ‘Dependency on the organisation … attack the self.’
Chapter Seventeen: ‘Creative management, cock!’
Chapter Eighteen: ‘He looks much the same as he ever did – short hair, glass eye.’
Chapter Nineteen: ‘I neither left nor got sacked.’
Chapter Twenty: ‘He smashed up my keyboards quite often. It was an occupational hazard.’
Chapter Twenty-One: ‘It was like your last tour of Vietnam, with appropriate flashbacks and nightmares.’
Chapter Twenty-Two: ‘He had a face like a mouse’s snout.’
Chapter Twenty-Three: ‘Dear Mark, you’re my hero. Maybe when I’m of legal drinking age we could go for a drink?’
Chapter Twenty-Four: ‘We’d had abuse and death threats!’
Chapter Twenty-Five: ‘I’m proud that I survived three years before the first punch-up.’
Chapter Twenty-Six: ‘He’d knock on the windows or sing through the letter-box!’
Chapter Twenty-Seven: ‘So what do you do? Are you in a group?’
Chapter Twenty-Eight: ‘It Was like spontaneous combustion.’
Chapter Twenty-Nine: ‘I’m becoming a travelling minstrel.’
Chapter Thirty: ‘Come on, cock, you can do it. We’ll have a rehearsal before you go on.’
Chapter Thirty-One: ‘If you’re a mate, you can tell him to fuck off!’
Chapter Thirty-Two: ‘It was all done very quietly, so no one knew I’d gone.’
Chapter Thirty-Three: ‘I found him barking like a dog.’
Chapter Thirty-Four: ‘I thought I was going insane. The only way I got through it was by taking up meditation.’
Chapter Thirty-Five: ‘My job was to stop the musicians having fun.’
Chapter Thirty-Six: ‘You’ve got the curse of The Fall!’
Photography Credits and Permissions Acknowledgments
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