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Imperial Library
1. That awkward feeling when you wake up and the nightmare is with you in the room
2. I’m not the only one with an apparition problem
3. Have you ever heard of a curse on the Renshaws?
4. Drowning six or seven times an hour
5. Magic is not what you think
6. Your mother and I were best friends
7. I’ve never seen anyone as scared as I just saw you
8. Unless you know my name, you cannot pass
9. Anyone ever tell you you’re kind of strange?
10. Occult forces seem to be converging—and I’m one of them
11. A slight change in plans
12. How was Florida? Did you get in any surfing?
13. Violet is through messing around
14. Renshaw and Quick, ghost hunters
15. He feeds on fear and rage. He is formed of human evil.
16. Blood on the ground, and watermelon
17. True magic is never an easy road
18. Her fashion sense was retro, that’s for sure
19. Just a night in the graveyard
20. …And a day in the emergency room
21. I’m a zombie sponge of magic power, that’s what
22. The Book of Lebab
23. Exactly the thing I planned not to do
24. So, is Guardian of the Springs a viable career choice?
Author’s Note
And thank you!
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