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Imperial Library
Front matter
The Best Australian Poems 2011
John Tranter: Introduction
Robert Adamson: The Sibyl’s Avenue
Ali Alizadeh: Public Mourning
Richard James Allen: Aubade
Chris Andrews: Function Centre
Jude Aquilina: An Apology
Louis Armand: Hugh Tolhurst, with Lines for a Poem
Peter Bakowski: Portrait of Edith Murtone, fiction writer
Ken Bolton: The Funnies
Ken Bolton & John Jenkins: Volatile Condensate
Neil Boyack: Others in the Town
Peter Boyle: Clarity of the word
Kevin Brophy: The Sublime
Pam Brown: In my phone
Joanne Burns: tick
Michelle Cahill: How the Dusk Portions Time
Grant Caldwell: the lights are on
John Carey: on empty
Bonny Cassidy: Magma
Julie Chevalier: ms marbig No. 26 16
Justin Clemens: We begin building that which cannot collapse because it will have to have been built as if it had already fallen
Sue Clennell: Picasso
Jennifer Compton: Four Lines by Ezra Pound
Michael Crane: Metamorphosis
Fred Curtis: Adenocarcinoma Triolet
Toby Davidson: Metropolitan Cannibal Hymn
Bruce Dawe: Mini-series
Sarah Day: Afterimage
Suzanne Edgar: Homage to Mapplethorpe
Brook Emery: ‘You know the way …’
Kate Fagan: Chrome Arrow
Diane Fahey: Terns
Jeltje Fanoy: Mother’s (creative) tempat
Michael Farrell: Motherlogue
Johanna Featherstone: Warning
Liam Ferney: Gli ultimi zombi
Toby Fitch: Fluff
William Fox: Long Weekend, 2
Andrew Galan: The Suns Fall at Zero
Angela Gardner: The Sum and its Parts
Carolyn Gerrish: Absurdity Rules
Jane Gibian: Leftovers from a pirate party
Geoff Goodfellow: An Uncertain Future
Lisa Gorton: Dreams and Artefacts
Robert Gray: Flying Foxes
Kathryn Hamann: -kuing the Rex
Jennifer Harrison: Busker and Chihuahua, Chapel Street
Paul Hetherington: Through a Window, Looking Back
Sarah Holland-Batt: The Capuchin
Jodie Hollander: The Humane Society
Duncan Hose: The Truffle Hunters
D.J. Huppatz: FUTURE HAPPY BUDDHA vs Fake Kenny Rogers Head
Mark William Jackson: The Frequency of God
John Jenkins: Miracle on Blue Mouse Street, Dublin
A. Frances Johnson: Coal and Water
Evan Jones: Send in the Clowns
Jill Jones: Break on Through
Paul Kane: Triangulating the Tasman
S.K. Kelen: Rapptown
Cate Kennedy: Temporality
Richard King: Expat
Graeme Kinross-Smith: The History Idea
Andy Kissane: It Begins with Darkness
Mike Ladd: Mise en Scène
Sam Langer: into the index
Martin Langford: Sydney and the Bush
Anthony Lawrence: Quolls
Geoffrey Lehmann: Unlicensed (from Spring Forest)
W.M. Lewis: Sierra Nevada
Kate Lilley: Crush
Debbie Lim: Bodies of Pompeii
Helen Lindstrom: 5.30 a.m.
Astrid Lorange: Lovetypes
Roberta Lowing: In the Laneway
Anthony Lynch: Sonnet
David McCooey: (Weldon Kees)
David McGuigan: Grandfather
Rhyll McMaster: Late Night Shopping
Jennifer Maiden: A Great Education
John Miles: Snake Lady
Peter Minter: Claustrophilic Lavallière
Les Murray: Going to the City, Karachi 2010
David Musgrave: Reading Laurie Duggan in the Shanghai New Zhen Jiang Restaurant
Nguyen Tien Hoang: Thursday April 21. Canberra
Jal Nicholl: Values Meeting
Mark O’Flynn: Our Lady of Coogee
Ella O’Keefe: Four Thirteen
Paul O’Loughlin: Reconfigured
Ouyang Yu: I love
Louise Oxley: The Red Gurnard
Geoff Page: A Manual of Style
Eddie Paterson: ‘This is the Only Place...’
Janette Pieloor: Ripples under the Skin
Felicity Plunkett: Cyclone Plotting
Claire Potter: Misreading
David Prater: Cute
Aden Rolfe: How we tell stories about ourselves
Peter Rose: Cicerone
Penni Russon: Quote
Gig Ryan: Daphnis and Chloe
Philip Salom: The Faces of the Unpunished
Andrew Sant: Mr Habitat Delivers a Speech to the Lapidarists
Michael Sariban: The Place in Darkness
Jaya Savige: January
Mick Searles: On the Up & Up
Thomas Shapcott: Georges Perec in Brisbane
Michael Sharkey: Heroes of Australia
Craig Sherborne: Trophy Getters
Alex Skovron: Humility
Melinda Smith: Murder at the Poetry Conference
Pete Spence: Where’s my Rattan Overcoat?
Peter Steele: The Knowledge
Amanda Stewart: Bondi rock pool. 1963.
Adrian Stirling: Christmas Poem
Maria Takolander: The Ashes
Andrew Taylor: After
Tim Thorne: Cave d’Aristide
Helen Thurloe: Ambulance thinking
Ann Vickery: Adventure at Sadies
Corey Wakeling: View
Chris Wallace-Crabbe: The Piano Inkpot
John Watson: Missing Miss Moore
Meredith Wattison: Happiness
Alan Wearne: Freely and with the appropriate sense of space
Ron Wilkins: Poolside Reflections
Warrick Wynne: The Stations of the Stairs
Mark Young: A Line from Paracelsus
Publication Details
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