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Also by Jo Ann Yolanda Hernández
Rule #1 Wasted Brains by Jewel
Rule #2 Be careful what you care about
Rule #3 Look both ways before crossing your life
Rule #4 Trust what you see today; you may want it to disappear tomorrow
Rule #5 Listen to how people do; promises are just words
Rule #6 Grown-ups are smart except when it comes to kids
Rule #7 Never unpack everything
Rule #8 Birthdays are for getting older, not wiser
Rule #9 Find where the toilet paper is kept
Rule #10 What you wear is what they see
Rule #11 Show fear, and they rush to kill you
Rule #12 Parents love with their told-you-so’s
Rule #13 All you need is self-esteem to make it in this world
Rule #14 A home can be any combination if it’s filled with love
Rule #15 Whether you matter or not is up to others
Rule #16 Numbing outbeats pain any day
Rule #17 Primary caregiver sometimes ain’t your parent
Rule #18 Stick with the State Kids, they know
Rule #19 You can die from too much love
Rule #20 Never let them know you cry
Rule #21 Sometimes the truth is in what you don’t see
Rule #22 Being needy means you’re human
Rule #23 Not everybody’s out to screw you, or are they?
Rule #24 Real words come when all is quiet
Rule #25 Loving someone is an open invitation to be hurt
Rule #26 When a teacher thinks they know it all, students get screwed
Rule #27 Learning is about more than your brain
Rule #28 Show your true colors before asking others to show theirs
Rule #29 Depend on no one
Rule #30 Knowing the answer doesn’t guarantee anything
Rule #31 Peace is never what you expect it to be
Rule #32 Knowing how to learn is as important as learning
Rule #33 Romancing sometimes comes with two left feet
Rule #34 The northern winds will always find the hole in your soul
Rule #35 Beauty is as deep as your checkbook
Rule #36 Talking is easier than feeling
Rule #37 Listening well counts
Rule #38 Holiday season is about giving
Rule #39 Holidays are for the people that count
Rule #40 To want something is to make it go away
Rule #41 Love is grand
Rule #42 Never give your heart, the exchange window is always open
Rule #43 Never underestimate hate
Rule #44 Knights come in blue shirts
Rule #45 Family is good in the long run
Rule #46 People will always surprise you
Rule #47 Receiving love is sometimes the hardest to do
Rule #48 Good-byes always hurt
Rule #49 Love conquers all in the head
Rule #50 Knowing about families isn’t the same as working at being a family
Rule #51 When romance works, you’re lucky, but when it doesn’t . . .
Rule #52 All your answers are inside of you
Rule #53 Never underestimate your power of touch
Rule #54 Rain and funerals make you run for cover
About The Chicano/Latino Literary Prize
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