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Imperial Library
Title Page
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 - Early farming households
Archaeology and agrarian history
Silent and different people
The European background
Complex change
Changes to farms
The household
The division of labour
Thinking agriculturally
Life and death
The eternal household
CHAPTER 2 - Agriculture in Sweden
The emergence of mixed farming
Intensification and technological change, AD 200–600
Late Iron Age expansion, AD 700–1000
CHAPTER 3 - Farming and feudalism
New sources for a new era
A feudal society
Expansion and crisis, 1000–1450
Agricultural technology
Livestock farming
Farms and estates
A typical farm
The village community
Taxation and the nobility
Transformation in the Late Middle Ages
State feudalism
Sixteenth-century expansion, seventeenth-century stagnation
Living standards and total production
Small advances in agrarian technology
Regional specialization–the example of oxen
Grain production
The rise of the war economy
The collapse of the war economy
CHAPTER 4 - The agricultural revolution in Sweden
Geography and settlement
Arable and livestock farming
Peasant-farmer households and a diversified peasant-farmer economy
Rural crafts and trade
The peasant-farmers gain ground
An expanding market economy
The growth of the agrarian proletariat
Land clearance and a food supply crisis, 1700–1800
Land reform
The dawn of mechanization and increased demand for capital
Liberal reform–and the state steps in
Some conclusions
CHAPTER 5 - Agriculture in industrial society
Agriculture and the market in the industrial national economy
Landownership and land use
The ‘flight’ from agriculture
Market signals and the transformation of cultivation
Animal husbandry, animal production
Technological change
The men and women of agriculture
Farmers, politics, and the organization of farmers’ interests
CHAPTER 6 - The tension between modernity and reality
A country of small farms
The political route to modern agriculture
Agriculture, pure and simple
Town and country
Neighbourhood co-operation redoubled
The industrial ideals of the 1960s
Families, businesses, and farmers
The repression of women
Town mores, country mores
Between ideal and reality
Stronger farming organizations
Supra-national agricultural policy
Small-scale and large-scale farming in a new age
Combined contract farming
Present-day neighbourhood co-operation
Town and country
Towards the future
CHAPTER 7 - Swedish agrarian history –the wider view
In Northern climes
The continuous reconquest of northern Europe’s frontier
European mixed farming
The importance of implements
Expansion and stagnation
Social systems
The role of dreams
Statistical appendix
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