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Imperial Library
The “New” Sun-tzu
Archaeology: A Revolution in the Study of Early China
The Excavation at Yin-ch’üeh-shan
The “One or Two ‘Master Suns’ ” Debate
Sun Wu as a Historical Person
The Reconstructed Sun-tzu: The Art of Warfare
Analysis of Sun-tzu: The Art of Warfare
Wisdom and Warfare
The Classical Chinese World View: The Uncommon Assumptions
Some Classical Western Assumptions: A “Two-World” Theory
Some Classical Chinese Assumptions: A “This-World” View
Centripetal Harmony and Authority
Warfare as the Art of Contextualizing
Strategic Advantage (shih)
Strategic Advantage (shih) and Strategic Positioning (hsing)
According with the Enemy (yin)
An Attitude Toward Warfare
The Exemplary Commander
Foreknowledge (chih)
Introduction to the Translations
Sun-tzu: The Art of Warfare: A Translation
Sun-tzu: Part I The Thirteen-Chapter Text
Chapter 1: On Assessments
Chapter 2: On Waging Battle
Chapter 3: Planning the Attack
Chapter 4: Strategic Dispositions (hsing)
Chapter 5: Strategic Advantage (shih)
Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong Points
Chapter 7: Armed Contest
Chapter 8: Adapting to the Nine Contingencies (pien)
Chapter 9: Deploying the Army
Chapter 10: The Terrain
Chapter 11: The Nine Kinds of Terrain
Chapter 12: The Incendiary Attack
Chapter 13: Using Spies
Sun-tzu: Part II Text Recovered from the Yin-ch’üeh-shan Han Dynasty Strips
1. The Questions of Wu
2. [The Four Contingencies]
3. The Yellow Emperor Attacks the Red Emperor
4. The Disposition [of the Terrain] II
5. [An Interview with the King of Wu]
Sun-tzu: Part III Text Recovered from Later Works
1. A Conversation between the King of Wu and Sun Wu
2. Sun Wu Discusses the Commander
3. Sun Wu Discusses Deploying the Army
4. The Prognostications of Sun-tzu
5. Sun Wu Discusses the “Eight-Division Formation”
6. The Classic of the Thirty-two Ramparts
7. Han Dynasty Bamboo Strips from Ta-t’ung County
8. Miscellaneous
Background to the Excavation at Yin-ch’üeh-shan
Dating the Tombs and Identifying the Occupants
The First Published Reports
The Bamboo Strip Manuscripts and Their Dates
Bibliography of Works Cited
About the Translator
Photo Inserts
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