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Title Page
About ISTE
About the Author
My Computer Science Story
Computer Science Becomes Relevant in Schools
The Inspiration for This Book
Who is This Book for?
How to Navigate and Use This Book
Part 1: Planning and Building Student Capacity for Robotics
1. Robotics: Introduction and Applications
Examples of Robots and Their Use
Robotics in Schools and Teaching with Robotics
2. Planning for Robotics: Set Yourself up for Success
Planning Steps and Considerations
Do Not Go at the Learning Alone—Join a PLN!
Access to Edtech, Advocacy, Grants, and Equity
3. Teaching Foundational Knowledge and Skills for Robotics
Learning Robotics is a Journey, Not a Mad Dash
4. Robotics and Computational Thinking
How CT Differs from CS
ISTE Computational Thinking Competencies
Start Teaching Computational Thinking with Unplugged Lessons
Lesson Computational Thinking
5. Robotics and Programming Demystified
Robotics Demystified in Four Steps
Programming Demystified in Four Steps
Part 2: Robotics in the Content Areas
6. Evidence for Robotics in the Classroom
Empirical Evidence for Educational Robotics in the Classroom
Robotics in the Classroom—Teacher Examples
7. Robotics in ELA
Robotics an Entry to 21st Century Learning in ELA
Pick the Right Tool for Your ELA Classroom
Introduction to Cue by Wonder Workshop
Wonder Workshop
8. Robotics in Mathematics
Elementary: Using Robots to Make Algebraic and Geometric Connections and Develop Habits of Mind
Middle School: Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Pick the Right Tool for Your Math Classroom
Lesson Time, Speed and Distance Get Sphero to the Bank
9. Science in Schools
Robotics in Science
Early Elementary: Using Robotics to Do Science
Grades 4–8: Using Robotics to Teach Physics
How Mathematics and Computational Thinking are Applied in Science
Pick the Right Tool for Your Science Classroom
Lesson LEGO Object Detection
10. Robotics in Social Studies
Creating Alignment between Social Studies with the CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards
Unpacking the Thematic Strands for Social Studies
Pick the Right Tool for Your Social Studies Classroom
Lesson KIBO Robotics and Floor Maps—Our Community, Our World and The Historical Journey (or The Travels of Marco KIBO)
Part 3: Strategies and Approaches for Teaching Robotics and Computational Thinking
11. Robotics, Constructivist Learning, and Infusing the Learning Sciences
Using Constructivism to Teach CS
12. Project Based Learning (PBL) and Robotics
Why Project Based Learning (PBL) and What is it?
Frameworks and Model of Excellence
The Computational Thinkers Project
13. Robotics Outside of School
Getting Started
Have a Vision for Your Intended Outcomes
Appendix A: Resources
Professional Development in Pedagogy
Professional Development in Computer Science and STEM
How-to Blogs
Appendix B: ISTE Standards for Students
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