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Imperial Library
Captain A.W. Drayson, R.A.
"Adventures of Hans Sterk"
Chapter One.
Introduction to the Hunters—Death of the Lion—Discovery of the Elephants by Hans Sterk.
Chapter Two.
Following the Elephants—Cutting out the tusks—Hunting the herd of Elephants.
Chapter Three.
The Bull Elephant—The Charge of the Elephants—Counting the Spoils.
Chapter Four.
Seeking the Dead Elephants—Ambuscade of the Matabili Warriors—Escape of Hans Sterk and his Party—Battle with the Matabili—The Slaughter of Siedenberg.
Chapter Five.
Commando against the Matabili and Moselekatse, the Chief of the Matabili.
Chapter Six.
Hans determines to follow Katrine—He journeys by Night—Hans watches the Enemy.
Chapter Seven.
Expedition of the Matabili—Hans telegraphs to Katrine, and receives his Answer.
Chapter Eight.
The attempted Rescue—Hans outwitted and captured by the Matabili.
Chapter Nine.
Hans Sterk becomes a Prisoner with his Companions—Finds an unexpected Ally—Plots an Escape.
Chapter Ten.
The Prisoners are free—The Pursuit—The Horses sick—The Ride for Life—The Concealment.
Chapter Eleven.
Night in the Wilderness—The Lions roar—The Savage outwitted by a Lion—The Party take up a good position.
Chapter Twelve.
Preparations for a Siege—The Rock and Caves—Wild Bees and Rock Rabbits—The Baboons—The Night Watch.
Chapter Thirteen.
The Matabili appear, and follow the spoor of Hans’ party—The Discovery—The Attack—The Repulse of the Savages.
Chapter Fourteen.
The Fortification—Waiting Relief—Fight to the Last—Fresh Weapons—The Maidens keep watch—The Savages’ Night Attack—Their Defeat—The Battle—New Allies—The Poisoned Arrows—More of the Enemy arrive.
Chapter Fifteen.
Bernhard’s Journey—His Success—To the Rescue.
Chapter Sixteen.
The Fight for Life—Grand Attack of the Matabili—Help arrives—The Meeting of Old Friends—Retreat from the Stronghold.
Chapter Seventeen.
The Boers’ Camp—The Plans for the Future—Off to Natal—Treaty with the Zulu Chief—His Treachery—Slaughter of the Boers—The Defence of the Boers.
Chapter Eighteen.
The Boers advance towards Zulu Land—Their Battle with the Zulus—Hans’ Danger—Lost—The Artifice—The Race for Life.
Chapter Nineteen.
Unexpected Meeting—Hans tells his Story—The Ambuscade—Greek meets Greek in War—The Country near Natal—The News—The solitary Hunt in the Bush.
Chapter Twenty.
The Emigrants collect their Forces—Battle with Dingaan, the Zulu Chief—Formation of the Natal Settlement—The Treachery of the Zulu Chief—Brother against Brother.
Chapter Twenty One.
A Hunting Trip—Round the Bivouac Fire—The Hunter’s Tale—Carried off by a Lion—The Shooting Laws in the Desert—The Ophir of Scripture—Baboons hunting a Leopard—The Natal Rock Snake.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Elephants found—The Hunt—The Evening at the Camp—An Elephant Adventure—Encounter with a Kaffir Spy—More Elephants—Strange Men—Hans made Prisoner.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Hans carried away—His Fellow-prisoners—Slavery—Thoughts of Escape—Carried off to Sea—The Voyage—Pursued—The Chase—The Night Battle—The Repulse—The Capture.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Off to Simon’s Bay—Mutiny of the Slaves—Their Repulse—Ship on Fire—The black Demons—The Zulus’ Escape—The Vessel sinks.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Off in the Boats—The Storm—A fair Wind—A Council—They Steer for Islands—Land.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Game found on the Islands—Want of Water—Water at Last—Sea-lions—Fish and Eggs—A Ship—Rescued and Carried to Simon’s Bay—The Traveller among the Cockneys.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Hans tires of the Towns—Reaches the Wilderness—Adventures with Wild Beasts—Meets his old Companions, and starts for his old Haunts.
The Dutch Boer of South Africa.
The Hottentot.
The Amakosa Kaffir.
The Dutch Boer of South Africa.
The Hottentot.
The Amakosa Kaffir.
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