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Imperial Library
Harry Collingwood
"Across the Spanish Main"
Chapter One.
How Roger Trevose and Harry Edgwyth made a certain Compact.
Chapter Two.
How they left Plymouth at Dawn on the Twenty-first Day of July, 1586.
Chapter Three.
How Roger and Harry took Part in their first Sea-Fight.
Chapter Four.
What happened to Roger on board the Gloria Del Mundo.
Chapter Five.
They encounter a Storm at Sea, and reach the Island of Cuba.
Chapter Six.
How they investigated a certain Cipher and met with some Adventures.
Chapter Seven.
They careen the Ships, are attacked, and discover that they are not the first to visit the Inlet.
Chapter Eight.
Roger goes ashore to rescue a marooned Man, and is himself left in the Lurch.
Chapter Nine.
The marooned Man tells his Story.
Chapter Ten.
William Evans continues his Yarn.
Chapter Eleven.
Death of William Evans, and Appearance of a Pirate Vessel.
Chapter Twelve.
Narrow Escapes of the Castaways—The Squadron heaves in Sight again.
Chapter Thirteen.
They are rescued at last—Capture of the Pirate Ship Black Pearl and her Captain, José Leirya.
Chapter Fourteen.
Execution of the Pirates—A Reconnaissance by Night off La Guayra.
Chapter Fifteen.
Capture of the Plate Fleet and Sack of la Guayra—Disappearance of Roger and Harry.
Chapter Sixteen.
In the Hands of the Inquisition.
Chapter Seventeen.
In the Torture-Chamber of Vera Cruz.
Chapter Eighteen.
The Translation of the Cryptogram.
Chapter Nineteen.
Help from an unexpected Quarter—Plans made for Escape.
Chapter Twenty.
How Roger effected his Escape.
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