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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
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1. The Opening: Al-Fātiḥa
2. The Cow: Al-Baqara
3. House of ‘Imrān: Āl ‘Imrān
Abraham In the Quran
4. Women: Al-Nisā’
Early Christian Exegesis of the Quran
5. The Table: Al-Mā’ida
Tampering With the Pre-Islamic Scriptures
6. Livestock: Al-An‘ām
7. The Heights: Al-A‘rāf
Salvation In the Quran
8. The Spoils: Al-Anfāl
9. Repentance: Al-Tawba
Fighting and Killing In the Quran
10. Jonah: Yūnus
Creation In the Quran
11. Hūd: Hūd
12. Joseph: Yūsuf
13. The Thunder: Al-Ra‘d
14. Abraham: Ibrāhīm
15. Al-Ḥijr: Al-Ḥijr
16. The Bee: Al-Naḥl
Calling to Islam (da‘wa)
17. The Journey: Al-Isrā’
18. The Cave: Al-Kahf
Apocryphal Details In Quranic Stories
19. Mary: Maryam
The Death of Jesus In the Quran
20. Ṭā’ Hā’: Ṭā’ Hā’
21. The Prophets: Al-Anbiyā’
22. The Pilgrimage: Al-Ḥajj
23. The Believers: Al-Mu’minūn
Son of God In the Quran
24. The Light: Al-Nūr
25. The Deliverance: Al-Furqān
Jihad In the Quran
26. The Poets: Al-Shu‘arā’
27. The Ant: Al-Naml
28. The Story: Al-Qaṣaṣ
Moses In the Quran
29. The Spider: Al-‘Ankabūt
30. The Romans: Al-Rūm
Manuscripts of the Quran
31. Luqmān: Luqmān
32. The Prostration: Al-Sajda
33. The Factions: Al-Aḥzāb
Women In the Quran
34. Sheba: Sabā’
35. Creator: Fāṭir
36. Yā’ Sīn: Yā’ Sīn
37. The Ones Who Line Up: Al-Ṣāffāt
38. Ṣād: Ṣād
39. The Companies: Al-Zumar
40. Forgiver: Ghāfir
41. Made Distinct: Fuṣṣilat
42. Consultation: Al-Shūrā
The Place of the Scale(s) In the Reckoning
43. Decoration: Al-Zukhruf
44. The Smoke: Al-Dukhān
45. The Kneeling: Al-Jāthiya
46. The Sand Dunes: Al-Aḥqāf
47. Muḥammad: Muḥammad
Divine Punishment of Unbelievers In This World
48. The Victory: Al-Fatḥ
49. The Private Rooms: Al-Ḥujurāt
50. Qāf: Qāf
51. The Scatterers: Al-Dhāriyāt
52. The Mountain: Al-Ṭūr
53. The Star: Al-Najm
54. The Moon: Al-Qamar
55. The Merciful: Al-Raḥmān
Shi‘ite Interpretation of the Quran
56. The Falling: Al-Wāqi‘a
57. Iron: Al-Ḥadīd
58. The Disputer: Al-Mujādila
59. The Gathering: Al-Ḥashr
60. The Examined Woman: Al-Mumtaḥana
The Language of Love In the Quran
61. The Lines: Al-Ṣaff
62. The Assembly: Al-Jumu‘a
63. The Hypocrites: Al-Munāfiqūn
64. Mutual Defrauding: Al-Taghābun
Allah In the Quran
65. Divorce: Al-Ṭalāq
66. The Forbidding: Al-Taḥrīm
67. The Kingdom: Al-Mulk
68. The Pen: Al-Qalam
69. The Payment Due: Al-Ḥāqqa
70. The Stairways: Al-Ma‘ārij
71. Noah: Nūḥ
72. The Jinn: Al-Jinn
73. The Enwrapped One: Al-Muzzammil
74. The Cloaked One: Al-Muddaththir
75. The Resurrection: Al-Qiyāma
76. The Human: Al-Insān
Eschatology In the Quran
77. The Ones Sent Forth: Al-Mursalāt
78. The News: Al-Naba’
79. The Snatchers: Al-Nāzi‘āt
80. He Frowned: ‘Abasa
81. The Shrouding: Al-Takwīr
82. The Rending: Al-Infiṭār
83. The Defrauders: Al-Muṭaffifīn
84. The Splitting: Al-Inshiqāq
85. The Constellations: Al-Burūj
86. The Night Visitor: Al-Ṭāriq
87. The Most High: Al-A‘lā
88. The Covering: Al-Ghāshiya
89. The Dawn: Al-Fajr
90. The Land: Al-Balad
91. The Sun: Al-Shams
92. The Night: Al-Layl
93. The Morning Light: Al-Ḍuḥā
94. The Expanding: Al-Sharḥ
95. The Fig: Al-Tīn
96. The Clot: Al-‘Alaq
97. The Decree: Al-Qadr
98. The Clear Sign: Al-Bayyina
99. The Earthquake: Al-Zalzala
100. The Runners: Al-‘Ādiyāt
101. The Striking: Al-Qāri‘a
102. Rivalry: Al-Takāthur
103. The Afternoon: Al-‘Aṣr
104. The Slanderer: Al-Humaza
105. The Elephant: Al-Fīl
106. Quraysh: Quraysh
107. Assistance: Al-Mā‘ūn
108. Abundance: Al-Kawthar
109. The Disbelievers: Al-Kāfirūn
110. Help: Al-Naṣr
111. The Fiber: Al-Masad
112. Devotion: Al-Ikhlāṣ
113. The Daybreak: Al-Falaq
114. The People: Al-Nās
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