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Imperial Library
Title Page
Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation
To Colonel William Fitzhugh
To Sally Cary Fairfax
To Robert Dinwiddie
To Sally Cary Fairfax
To Robert Cary & Company
To George Mason
To Bryan Fairfax
Address to the Continental Congress
To Mrs. Martha Washington
To Lund Washington
To Lund Washington
To George Clinton
To Lund Washington
To James Warren
To Colonel Lewis Nicola
Circular Letter Addressed to the Governors of All the States on Disbanding the Army
To James Warren
To James Madison
Diary Entry
To the Marquis de Lafayette
To George Steptoe Washington
To Henry Knox
First Inaugural Address
To John Adams
To Catharine Macaulay Graham
To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island
Third Annual Message to Congress
To James Madison
To Thomas Jefferson
To Alexander Hamilton [Private]
To Thomas Jefferson
To Thomas Jefferson
To Henry Lee [Private]
To John Jay
To Eleanor Parke Custis
To Alexander Hamilton [Private]
To Thomas Jefferson
To Alexander Hamilton [Private]
Farewell Address
To James McHenry [Private]
To Lawrence Lewis
To Sally Cary Fairfax
To John Adams, President of the United States
The Will of George Washington
To Edward Stevens
To Gouverneur Morris
To John Laurens
To Elizabeth Schuyler
To James Duane
To George Washington
To Philip Schuyler
To Robert Morris
A Second Letter from Phocion
The Federalist, No. 1
The Federalist, No. 70
The Federalist, No. 72
The Federalist, No. 78
To George Washington
To Lafayette
Memorandum by George Beckwith on a Conversation with Alexander Hamilton
Report on Public Credit
Report on a National Bank
Report on Manufactures
I. As to the division of labor
2. As to an extension of the use of machinery, a point which, though partly ...
3. As to the additional employment of classes of the community not originally ...
4. As to the promoting of emigration from foreign countries
5. As to the furnishing greater scope for the diversity of talents and ...
6. As to the affording a more ample and various field for enterprise
7. As to the creating, in some instances, a new, and securing, in all, a more ...
To Edward Carrington
To George Washington
To George Washington
Cabinet Report to George Washington on France
Americanus, I
The Defence, No. 2
To George Washington
To James McHenry [Private]
To Tobias Lear
To John Jay
To Theodore Sedgwick
To Gouverneur Morris
To Gouverneur Morris
Aaron Burr to Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton to Burr
Burr to Hamilton
Hamilton to Burr
To Elizabeth Hamilton
Statement by Hamilton as to His Motives in Meeting Burr
To Theodore Sedgwick
William P. Van Ness’s Amendments to the Joint Statement Made by Nathaniel ...
JOHN ADAMS 1735-1826
Diary Entries
Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law
Diary Entry
Diary Entry
Diary Entry
Novanglus, No. 8
To Mercy Warren
Abigail Adams to John Adams
To James Sullivan
To Abigail Adams
To George Wythe: “Thoughts on Government”
Diary Entry
To Thomas Jefferson
To Thomas Brand-Hollis, esq.
A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States Preface
To Benjamin Rush
To Roger Sherman
To Benjamin Rush
To Richard Price
To Samuel Adams
Inaugural Speech to Both Houses of Congress
To the Young Men of the City of Philadelphia, the District of Southwark, and ...
To Benjamin Rush
To Benjamin Rush
To Thomas Jefferson
To Thomas Jefferson
To John Taylor
To Thomas Jefferson
To Robert J. Evans
To John Quincy Adams
To John Randolph
The Declaration of Independence
A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
To James Monroe
Notes on the State of Virginia
To Maria Cosway
To Abigail Adams
To James Madison
To James Madison
To the President of the United States [George Washington]
To William Short
To James Madison
To James Madison, with Enclosure to John Adams
[Enclosure to John Adams]
To John Taylor
Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions
To Elbridge Gerry
First Inaugural Address
To John Dickinson
To the U.S. Minister to France (Robert R. Livingston)
To Dr. Benjamin Rush, with a “Syllabus”
Syllabus of an Estimate of the Merit of the Doctrines of Jesus, Compared with ...
To John C. Breckinridge
A Memorandum on Rules of Etiquette
Second Inaugural Address
To Thomas Jefferson Randolph
To John Tyler
To Dr. Benjamin Rush
To Isaac McPherson
To John Adams
To Dr. Walter Jones
To Edward Coles
To John Adams
To Judge Spencer Roane
To John Holmes
To Jared Sparks
To Henry Lee
To James Madison
Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments
To George Washington
The Virginia Plan: Resolutions Proposed to the Convention
The Federalist, No. 10
The Federalist, No. 37
The Federalist, No. 49
The Federalist, No. 51
The Federalist, No. 54
To Thomas Jefferson
To Thomas Jefferson
The Union: Who Are Its Real Friends?
A Candid State of Parties
Who Are the Best Keepers of the People’s Liberties?
Speech in Congress on “Self-Created Societies”
To Thomas Jefferson
Virginia Resolutions Against the Alien and Sedition Acts
To Robert R. Livingston and James Monroe
First Inaugural Address
Veto Message
Second Inaugural Address
Special Message to Congress
To Robert J. Evans
To Spencer Roane
To Robert Walsh
To W.T. Barry
To Nicholas P. Trist
To William Cabell Rives
On Majority Governments
Advice to My Country
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