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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Notice
Part I: Preliminaries
1. A Third of Life
A sleep-sick society?
The universal imperative
Half asleep
Nice, not naughty
Part II: Insufficiencies
2. Sleepy People
Are we sleep-deprived?
Are you sleep-deprived?
Reasons for not sleeping
Ancient and modern
Sleepy drivers
Sleepy pilots
Sleepy doctors
The madness of politicians
Truly, madly, sleepily
The price of eternal vigilance is liberty
3. Dead Tired
Fighting the beast
A soil for peevishness
Tired people are stupid and reckless
Alcohol, beauty and old age
Champion wakers
Uses and abuses
4. The Golden Chain
A waking death
Body and soul
Sleep, immunity and health
The Battle of Stalingrad
Sleepless in hospital
Part III: Mechanisms
5. The Shapes of Sleep
Measuring sleep
Falling asleep again, what am I to do?
The sleep cycle
The paradoxical world of REM
The sleep cycle continued
Waking up
The quality of sleep
Meditating – or only sleeping?
6. Morpheus Undressed
The rhythms of life
Larks and owls
Genes and sleep
A sleeplessness that kills
7. Strange Tales of Erections and Yawning
Nocturnal erections
The mystery of yawning
8. Friends and Enemies of Sleep
Brother caffeine
Sister alcohol
Food for sleep
Exercise is bunk, isn’t it?
Things that go bump in the night
Shift work
Poppy, mandragora and drowsy syrups
Hypnotic exotica
Part IV: Dreams
9. The Children of an Idle Brain?
To sleep, perchance …
Do flies dream?
A dream within a dream?
Dreaming as madness
Are dreams meaningful?
Like wine through water
Can dreams be sinful?
10. A Second Life
A creative state
Stevenson’s Brownies
Lucid dreams
The great dreamer
Part V: Origins
11. From Egg to Grave
Screaming babies
Bad children
Yawning youth
Old and grey and full of sleep
12. The Reason of Sleep
The evolution of sleep
What is sleep for?
What is REM sleep for?
Reverse learning
To sleep, perchance to learn
Should machines sleep?
Part VI: Problems
13. Bad Sleepers
An intolerable lucidity
Why can’t you sleep?
Storm and stress and sleep
What to do?
Staying awake
14. Dark Night
Walking and talking
Nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis and the Old Hag
Moving sleep
Midnight feasting
Soggy sheets
Aching heads
Troubled guts
Troubled minds
Sudden nocturnal death
15. Pickwickian Problems
The wonderful world of snoring
Silence is golden
Breathless in bed
Consequences – mostly dire
Unblocking those tubes
Part VII: Pleasures
16. And So to Bed
A brief history of beds
Sleeping partners
17. An Excellent Thing
Puritans and hypocrites
Naps, nappers and napping
Sweet dreams
Blessed oblivion
Give sleep a chance
In praise of horizontalism
Also by Paul Martin
British Praise for Counting Sheep
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