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Python: Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
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Become an Adaptive Thinker
Technical requirements
How to be an adaptive thinker
Addressing real-life issues before coding a solution
Step 1 – MDP in natural language
Step 2 – the mathematical representation of the Bellman equation and MDP
From MDP to the Bellman equation
Step 3 – implementing the solution in Python
The lessons of reinforcement learning
How to use the outputs
Machine learning versus traditional applications
Think Like a Machine
Technical requirements
Designing datasets – where the dream stops and the hard work begins
Designing datasets in natural language meetings
Using the McCulloch-Pitts neuron
The McCulloch-Pitts neuron
The architecture of Python TensorFlow
Logistic activation functions and classifiers
Overall architecture
Logistic classifier
Logistic function
Apply Machine Thinking to a Human Problem
Technical requirements
Determining what and how to measure
Implicit convergence
Numerical – controlled convergence
Applying machine thinking to a human problem
Evaluating a position in a chess game
Applying the evaluation and convergence process to a business problem
Using supervised learning to evaluate result quality
Become an Unconventional Innovator
Technical requirements
The XOR limit of the original perceptron
XOR and linearly separable models
Linearly separable models
The XOR limit of a linear model, such as the original perceptron
Building a feedforward neural network from scratch
Step 1 – Defining a feedforward neural network
Step 2 – how two children solve the XOR problem every day
Implementing a vintage XOR solution in Python with an FNN and backpropagation
A simplified version of a cost function and gradient descent
Linear separability was achieved
Applying the FNN XOR solution to a case study to optimize subsets of data
Manage the Power of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Technical requirements
Building the architecture of an FNN with TensorFlow
Writing code using the data flow graph as an architectural roadmap
A data flow graph translated into source code
The input data layer
The hidden layer
The output layer
The cost or loss function
Gradient descent and backpropagation
Running the session
Checking linear separability
Using TensorBoard to design the architecture of your machine learning and deep learning solutions
Designing the architecture of the data flow graph
Displaying the data flow graph in TensorBoard
The final source code with TensorFlow and TensorBoard
Using TensorBoard in a corporate environment
Using TensorBoard to explain the concept of classifying customer products to a CEO
Will your views on the project survive this meeting?
Focus on Optimizing Your Solutions
Technical requirements
Dataset optimization and control
Designing a dataset and choosing an ML/DL model
Approval of the design matrix
Agreeing on the format of the design matrix
Dimensionality reduction
The volume of a training dataset
Implementing a k-means clustering solution
The vision
The data
Conditioning management
The strategy
The k-means clustering program
The mathematical definition of k-means clustering
Lloyd's algorithm
The goal of k-means clustering in this case study
The Python program
1 – The training dataset
2 – Hyperparameters
3 – The k-means clustering algorithm
4 – Defining the result labels
5 – Displaying the results – data points and clusters
Test dataset and prediction
Analyzing and presenting the results
AGV virtual clusters as a solution
When and How to Use Artificial Intelligence
Technical requirements
Checking whether AI can be avoided
Data volume and applying k-means clustering
Proving your point
NP-hard – the meaning of P
NP-hard – The meaning of non-deterministic
The meaning of hard
Random sampling
The law of large numbers – LLN
The central limit theorem
Using a Monte Carlo estimator
Random sampling applications
Cloud solutions – AWS
Preparing your baseline model
Training the full sample training dataset
Training a random sample of the training dataset
Shuffling as an alternative to random sampling
AWS – data management
Uploading files
Access to output results
SageMaker notebook
Creating a job
Running a job
Reading the results
Recommended strategy
Revolutions Designed for Some Corporations and Disruptive Innovations for Small to Large Companies
Technical requirements
Is AI disruptive?
What is new and what isn't in AI
AI is based on mathematical theories that are not new
Neural networks are not new
Cloud server power, data volumes, and web sharing of the early 21st century started to make AI disruptive
Public awareness contributed to making AI disruptive
Inventions versus innovations
Revolutionary versus disruptive solutions
Where to start?
Discover a world of opportunities with Google Translate
Getting started
The program
The header
Implementing Google's translation service
Google Translate from a linguist's perspective
Playing with the tool
Linguistic assessment of Google Translate
Lexical field theory
Translating is not just translating but interpreting
How to check a translation
AI as a new frontier
Lexical field and polysemy
Exploring the frontier – the program
k-nearest neighbor algorithm
The KNN algorithm
The knn_polysemy.py program
Implementing the KNN compressed function in Google_Translate_Customized.py
Conclusions on the Google Translate customized experiment
The disruptive revolutionary loop
Getting Your Neurons to Work
Technical requirements
Defining a CNN
Defining a CNN
Initializing the CNN
Adding a 2D convolution
Intuitive approach
Developers' approach
Mathematical approach
Next convolution and pooling layer
Dense layers
Dense activation functions
Training a CNN model
The goal
Compiling the model
Loss function
Quadratic loss function
Binary cross-entropy
Adam optimizer
Training dataset
Data augmentation
Loading the data
Testing dataset
Data augmentation
Loading the data
Training with the classifier
Saving the model
Next steps
Applying Biomimicking to Artificial Intelligence
Technical requirements
Human biomimicking
TensorFlow, an open source machine learning framework
Does deep learning represent our brain or our mind?
A TensorBoard representation of our mind
Input data
Layer 1 – managing the inputs to the network
Weights, biases, and preactivation
Displaying the details of the activation function through the preactivation process
The activation function of Layer 1
Dropout and Layer 2
Layer 2
Measuring the precision of prediction of a network through accuracy values
Correct prediction
Optimizing speed with Google's Tensor Processing Unit
Conceptual Representation Learning
Technical requirements
Generate profit with transfer learning
The motivation of transfer learning
Inductive thinking
Inductive abstraction
The problem AI needs to solve
The Γ gap concept
Loading the Keras model after training
Loading the model to optimize training
Loading the model to use it
Using transfer learning to be profitable or see a project stopped
Defining the strategy
Applying the model
Making the model profitable by using it for another problem
Where transfer learning ends and domain learning begins
Domain learning
How to use the programs
The trained models used in this section
The training model program
GAP – loaded or unloaded
GAP – jammed or open lanes
The gap dataset
Generalizing the Γ(gap conceptual dataset)
Generative adversarial networks
Generating conceptual representations
The use of autoencoders
The motivation of conceptual representation learning meta-models
The curse of dimensionality
The blessing of dimensionality
Scheduling and blockchains
Self-driving cars
Optimizing Blockchains with AI
Technical requirements
Blockchain technology background
Mining bitcoins
Using cryptocurrency
Using blockchains
Using blockchains in the A-F network
Creating a block
Exploring the blocks
Using naive Bayes in a blockchain process
A naive Bayes example
The blockchain anticipation novelty
The goal
Step 1 the dataset
Step 2 frequency
Step 3 likelihood
Step 4 naive Bayes equation
Gaussian naive Bayes
The Python program
Cognitive NLP Chatbots
Technical requirements
IBM Watson
Testing the subsets
Dialog flow
Scripting and building up the model
Adding services to a chatbot
A cognitive chatbot service
The case study
A cognitive dataset
Cognitive natural language processing
Activating an image + word cognitive chat
Solving the problem
Improve the Emotional Intelligence Deficiencies of Chatbots
Technical requirements
Building a mind
How to read this chapter
The profiling scenario
Restricted Boltzmann Machines
The connections between visible and hidden units
Energy-based models
Gibbs random sampling
Running the epochs and analyzing the results
Sentiment analysis
Parsing the datasets
Conceptual representation learning meta-models
Profiling with images
RNN for data augmentation
RNNs and LSTMs
RNN, LSTM, and vanishing gradients
Prediction as data augmentation
Step1 – providing an input file
Step 2 – running an RNN
Step 3 – producing data augmentation
Word embedding
The Word2vec model
Principal component analysis
Intuitive explanation
Mathematical explanation
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Creating the feature vector
Deriving the dataset
Summing it up
TensorBoard Projector
Using Jacobian matrices
Building Deep Learning Environments
Building a common DL environment
Get focused and into the code!
DL environment setup locally
Downloading and installing Anaconda
Installing DL libraries
Setting up a DL environment in the cloud
Cloud platforms for deployment
Setting up the GCP
Automating the setup process
Training NN for Prediction Using Regression
Building a regression model for prediction using an MLP deep neural network
Exploring the MNIST dataset
Intuition and preparation
Defining regression
Defining the project structure
Let's code the implementation!
Defining hyperparameters
Model definition
Building the training loop
Overfitting and underfitting
Building inference
Concluding the project
Generative Language Model for Content Creation
LSTM for text generation
Data pre-processing
Defining the LSTM model for text generation
Training the model
Inference and results
Generating lyrics using deep (multi-layer) LSTM
Data pre-processing
Defining the model
Training the deep TensorFlow-based LSTM model
Generating music using a multi-layer LSTM
Pre-processing data
Defining the model and training
Generating music
Building Speech Recognition with DeepSpeech2
Data preprocessing
Corpus exploration
Feature engineering
Data transformation
DS2 model description and intuition
Training the model
Testing and evaluating the model
Handwritten Digits Classification Using ConvNets
Code implementation
Importing all of the dependencies
Exploring the data
Defining the hyperparameters
Building and training a simple deep neural network
Fitting a model
Evaluating a model
MLP – Python file
Convolution in Keras
Fitting the model
Evaluating the model
Convolution – Python file
Fitting the model
Evaluating the model
Convolution with pooling – Python file
Fitting the model
Evaluating the model
Convolution with pooling – Python file
Going deeper
Compiling the model
Fitting the model
Evaluating the model
Convolution with pooling and Dropout – Python file
Data augmentation
Using ImageDataGenerator
Fitting ImageDataGenerator
Compiling the model
Fitting the model
Evaluating the model
Augmentation – Python file
Additional topic – convolution autoencoder
Importing the dependencies
Generating low-resolution images
Defining the autoencoder
Fitting the autoencoder
Loss plot and test results
Autoencoder – Python file
Object Detection Using OpenCV and TensorFlow
Object detection intuition
Improvements in object detection models
Object detection using OpenCV
A handcrafted red object detector
Installing dependencies
Exploring image data
Normalizing the image
Preparing a mask
Post-processing of a mask
Applying a mask
Object detection using deep learning
Quick implementation of object detection
Installing all the dependencies
Object Detection In Real-Time Using YOLOv2
Preparing the dataset
Using the pre-existing COCO dataset
Using the custom dataset
Installing all the dependencies
Configuring the YOLO model
Defining the YOLO v2 model
Training the model
Evaluating the model
Image segmentation
Importing all the dependencies
Exploring the data
Preparing the data
Normalizing the image
Model data
Defining hyperparameters
Define SegNet
Compiling the model
Fitting the model
Testing the model
Building Face Recognition Using FaceNet
Setup environment
Getting the code
Building the Docker image
Downloading pre-trained models
Building the pipeline
Preprocessing of images
Face detection
Aligning faces
Feature extraction
Execution on Docker
Training the classifier
Generative Adversarial Networks
Implementation of GANs
Real data generator
Random data generator
Linear layer
Keep calm and train the GAN
GAN for 2D data generation
MNIST digit dataset
Transposed convolutions
Batch normalization
Training the GAN model for 2D data generation
BiGAN – bidirectional generative adversarial networks
GraspGAN – for deep robotic grasping
Progressive growth of GANs for improved quality
From GPUs to Quantum computing - AI Hardware
Computers – an ordinary tale
A brief history
Central Processing Unit
CPU for machine learning
Clock speed
Number of cores
Operating system (OS)
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
ASICs, TPUs, and FPGAs
Systolic array
Field-programmable gate arrays
Quantum computers
Can we really build a quantum computer?
How far are we from the quantum era?
TensorFlow Serving
What is TensorFlow Serving?
Understanding the basics of TensorFlow Serving
Servable versions
Aspired versions
Installing and running TensorFlow Serving
Virtual machines
Installation using Docker Toolbox
Operations for model serving
Model creation
Saving the model
Serving a model
What is gRPC?
Calling the model server
Running the model from the client side
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