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Imperial Library
Title Page
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List of Illustrations
The English Rebel
1. Resistance: The Norman Occupation 1066–86
The resistance begins
The Harrying of the North
Edgar and Hereward: the wages of rebellion
The Revolt of the Earls and the first rebel martyr
The afterlife of the resistance
2. A Kingdom Divided: Odo of Bayeux to Geoffrey de Mandeville 1087–1144
Lost at sea
Civil war
The rebel as robber baron
3. Rebels with a Cause: Thomas Becket to Magna Carta 1154–1215
A family affair
Robin Hood and the bearded revolutionary
Magna Carta: the rebel as reformer
From Bouvines to Runnymede
4. The False Dawn of Reform: Simon de Montfort to Roger Bigod 1216–1307
Lincoln Fair
The model of a medieval rebel
The Provisions of Oxford
From Lewes to Evesham
The Hammer and the blow that didn’t fall
5. Revenge: Roger Mortimer and the fate of Edward II 1307–77
The royal favourite versus the royal cousin
Blood will have blood
Roger Mortimer and the road to Berkeley
6. A Rebel People: The Peasants’ Revolt 1381
The revolt begins
Strange meeting
The aftermath
7. Challenging the Realm: Henry Bolingbroke to Sir John Oldcastle 1388–1417
From Ravenspur to Westminster
A dangerous precedent
Jack the rebel
8. Wars of the Roses: Jack Cade to Perkin Warbeck 1450–99
Jack Cade’s rising
York and Lancaster
The Kingmaker
Edward’s killing field
Return of the King
Two usurpers
Faking it
9. The People’s Wars of Religion: Robert Aske to Robert Kett 1536–49
From rebels to pilgrims
From West and East
The Oak of Reformation
10. Queens and Their Rebels: Mary Tudor to the Earl of Essex 1553–1601
Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Queen’s marriage
An un-English rebellion
Gloriana’s rebels
A carpenter’s revolt
The spurned Earl
11. Republicans and Revolutionaries: Robert Catesby to Oliver Cromwell 1605–60
The Gunpowder Plot
History Wars
Divine Rights
Pym and the King
Role reversal
From Edgehill to Marston Moor
Army of God
The Putney debates
Cruel necessity
Heaven in earth
12. Good and Glorious: Thomas Venner to the Immortal Seven 1660–88
Catholic panics
Monmouth’s rebellion
Revolution or invasion?
13. Returners and Rioters: From the Old Pretender to the Seamen’s Strike 1715–75
‘The madding crowd’s ignoble strife’
Dr Sacheverell’s mob
14. Agitators: John Wilkes to the Nore Mutiny 1760–97
The Gordon Riots
15. Revolutionaries and Reformers: Colonel Despard to the Chartists 1802–67
Spa Fields and Peterloo
The People’s Charter
Moral and physical force
16. Women and Workers: The Suffragettes to the General Strike 1905–26
Suffragists into Suffragettes
The match-girls’ strike
General Strike
17. Outsiders: Cable Street to the Poll Tax Riots 1931–90
Ban the bomb
Grosvenor Square and the Angry Brigade
‘The enemy within’
1381 and all that
Rebel futures
Further Reading and Notes
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