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Imperial Library
An Introduction
About Tom Butler-Bowdon
Tao Te Ching
I What is the Tao
II Self-Development
III Quieting People
IV Tao, Without Origin
V Impartiality
VI The Infinitude of Creative Effort
VII Humility
VIII The Nature of Goodness
IX Moderation
X What is Possible
XI The Value of Non-Existence
XII Avoiding Desire
XIII Loathing Shame
XIV In Praise of The Profound
XV That Which Reveals Teh
XVI Returning to the Source
XVII Simplicity of Habit
XVIII The Palliation of The Inferior
XIX Return to Simplicity
XX The Opposite of the Commonplace
XXI The Heart of Emptiness
XXII Increase by Humility
XXIII Emptiness and Not-Doing (Wu Wei)
XXIV Troubles and Merit
XXV Describing the Mysterious
XXVI The Virtue (Teh) of Dignity
XXVII The Function of Skill
XXVIII Returning to Simplicity
XXIX Not Forcing Things (Wu Wei)
XXX Be Stingy of War
XXXI Avoiding War
XXXII The Virtue (Teh) of Holiness
XXXIII The Virtue (Teh) of Discrimination
XXXIV The Perfection of Trust
XXXV The Virtue (Teh) of Benevolence
XXXVI Explanation of a Paradox
XXXVII Administering the Government
XXXVIII A Discussion About Teh
XXXIX The Root of Authority
XL Avoiding Activity
XLI The Unreality of Appearance
XLII The Transformation of Tao
XLIII The Function of the Universal
XLIV Precepts
XLV The Virtue (Teh) of Greatness
XLVI Limitation of Desire
XLVII Seeing the Distant
XLVIII To Forget Knowledge
XLIX The Virtue (Teh) of Trust
L Esteem Life
LI Teh as a Nurse
LII Return to Origin
LIII Gain by Insight
LIV To Cultivate Intuition
LV To Verify the Mysterious
LVI The Teh of the Mysterious
LVII The Habit of Simplicity
LVIII Adaptation to Change
LIX To Keep Tao
LX To Maintain Position
LXI The Teh of Humility
LXII The Practice of Tao
LXIII A Consideration of Beginnings
LXIV Consider the Insignificant
LXV The Teh of Simplicity
LXVI To Subordinate Self
LXVII Three Treasures
LXVIII Compliance With Heaven
LXIX The Function of the Mysterious
LXX The Difficulty of Understanding
LXXI The Disease of Knowledge
LXXII To Cherish One's Self
LXXIII Action is Dangerous
LXXIV Overcoming Delusions
LXXV Loss by Greediness
LXXVI Beware of Strength
LXXVII Tao of Heaven
LXXVIII Trust and Faith
LXXIX Enforcing Contracts
LXXX Contentment
LXXXI The Nature of the Essential
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