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Imperial Library
i. Introduction: The Poets' Incarnation
2. The Surface Data
The Titles of Jesus
3. The History of the Data
Retrospective Narrative as Evangelization: The Structure of Oral Proclamation
New Testament Christology in Formation: Documentary History 76
The Historical Jesus and His Christology: Event History
4. Patristic Christology
Theology and Worship
The Two Axioms of Patristic Christology 116
Gnosticism and the Three Rules of Adjudication
Early Christological and Trinitarian Heresies
The Orthodox Synthesis: Nicea 131
Post-Nicene Christological Heresies
The Council of Chalcedon
Maximus the Confessor
Excursus: Monothelitism vs. Dyothelitism
5. Medieval Christology
Anselm 175
Bonaventure 184
Thomas Aquinas
Duns Scotus
Excursus: Thomas Aquinas and the Beatific Vision of Christ
6. Reformation Christology, Protestant and Catholic
Martin Luther
Ignatius of Loyola
John Calvin 245
Blaise Pascal 258
Excursus: The Extra Calvinisticum
7. Christologies of the Heart
German Pietism 272
John Wesley and Methodist Christology
Catholic Devotion to the Sacred Heart 290
8. German Idealism and Kenotic Christology
German Idealism
Kenotic Christology: Thomasius, Gess, Mackintosh
9. Christology and Pluralism: Protestant Theologians
Albrecht Ritschl
Adolf von Harnack 335
Ernst Troeltsch 337
Karl Barth
io. Christology and Pluralism: Catholic Theologians
Karl Rahner
Jon Sobrino 356
Hans Urs von Balthasar 362
Joseph Ratzinger
Excursus: Christ's Descent into Hell
n. Recent Magisterial Christology
Vatican II
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